But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter seven

I watched Zarbon and Vegeta’s fight with complete awe. Because I had never been out on a mission, I had never seen a real fight. I had only seen people spar. Whilst I had seen people get hurt, I never saw anybody fight with such passion, and fighting to the death.

After a long-winded fight, Vegeta was clearly the winner. He was obviously stronger, and blasted a hole through Zarbon’s stomach, sending him to a watery grave.

Through their fighting, I heard them talking about how Zarbon and Vegeta fought earlier, and Zarbon easily won. This was weird, because Vegeta dominated this fight the whole time.

“Vegeta, thank you. I know you had your own personal vendetta against Zarbon, but killing him has also benefited me. Thanks a lot.” I shyly thanked Vegeta, after he approached Krillin, Bulma and I.

“Shut up. Those words should never come out of the mouth of a Saiyan.” Vegeta growled at me.

“I’m still learning you know.” I replied quietly.

Vegeta didn’t even acknowledge me with a response as he approached Krillin.

“Once I get all the dragon balls, I will wish for immortality and defeat Frieza. Therefore you have no need for the dragon ball, so hang it over.” Vegeta demanded of Krillin.

Krillin did not reply, but just angrily glared at Vegeta.

“You may be stronger than before, but you’re no match for me. You just saw what I did to Zarbon, you and that woman are next if you do not hand it over.” Vegeta growled at Krillin.

Krillin looked at Vegeta, Bulma and then back to Vegeta. He sighed, and handed over the dragon ball.

This forced me to step in. I usually stuck by my name – I was shy and modest. But I just snapped, and was already sick of Vegeta.

“I don’t know WHY you are against Frieza. You’re a bully, just like him and resort to violence to get what you want. You’re pitiful.” I snarled at Vegeta.

“You’ve been on my nerves for the entire time, woman. I save you, and receive this attitude. You are no Saiyan, and I am going on without you. Frieza will go down.” Vegeta snarled, before taking no hesitation in flying off.

I stuck my middle finger up at his flying form, before turning back to Bulma and Krillin.

“Are you really a Saiyan? You have the tail, but you seem…different.” Krillin asked me.

“I got taken away from my home planet when I was 3 and have been a prisoner on Frieza’s ship, living in isolation my whole life. I was never under Vegeta’s control, I was forbidden to even speak to him. I only met him for the first time today, he busted me out.” I explained.

“So you’re still on Frieza’s side then? So you’re a bad guy?” Bulma asked, as she began to shake.

“Heck no, I hate Frieza for all he’s done to me. I was used as experimental purposes alone. If the good side is being against Frieza AND Vegeta, sign me up,” I snorted. “But you don’t have to trust me, I wouldn’t, after seeing all the double crossing done by Frieza”

“What would Goku do?” Bulma asked Krillin.

“He would trust her. She doesn’t seem that evil, even when Vegeta was here she didn’t seem like he was on her side. When Gohan gets back, I’ll take her to Guru’s. He’ll be able to tell.” Krillin replied.

I had no idea who ‘Goku’ or ‘Gohan’ were, but I wasn’t going to demand to know. I was so relieved they were going to trust me, because otherwise I’d be on my own.

Half of my question was answered moments later, when a small boy appeared in front of us, a large dragon ball under one of his arms.

“Bulma, Krillin…um why is there a Saiyan here?” The boy asked, and let out a large gulp.

“She’s on our side…we think.” Krillin replied.

The boy studied me for a few seconds, but then moved closer to me. He sent me a large smile, which I returned, and then offered his right hand.

“I’m Gohan! Nice to meet you!” He beamed.

“Do I shake this?” I asked him.

The boy nodded, and I slowly extended my hand into his, and shook it.

“How can someone that innocent be evil? I think we can trust her guys.” Bulma smiled.

“Gohan, we have to get going to Guru’s. Dende is there waiting for us, and we don’t have much time. He can unlock your hidden powers,” Krillin said to Gohan “you…can come too”

“My name is Modesty for future reference. And thanks, I think I will.” I accepted.

“You can fly, right?” Krillin asked.

I only nodded as a response, feeling no need to really elaborate.

“Alright, let’s go right now then. This is a big race, and we don’t really have time to waste. We’ll be back soon Bulma.” Krillin said.

We all said our goodbyes, and kicked off and sped into the wind. Bulma was shouting at us from the ground, which made me smile a bit. I still found her annoying for liking Zarbon so much.