But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter eight

As Krillin, Gohan and I flew to this Guru person’s house, we used as little energy as possible so Vegeta wouldn’t be able to detect us, and so that we wouldn’t appear on any scouters.

“So um…I can’t help to notice that you two plus Bulma are kind of an odd trio. How did this happen?” I asked them both, as we were flying across Namek.

“I’ve known Gohan’s father, Goku, since we were both kids. Goku met Bulma before me, and they both travelled together.” Krillin explained in as little detail as possible.

“Okay. So who’s Goku? I’ve been hearing about him, but have yet to hear that one explained.” I replied.

“Goku is well…Goku. He’s quite a character; you can’t really explain him without knowing him. He’s one of those people that when they have a moment you can’t help but to sigh ‘that’s so Goku’” Krillin explained.

“He’s a Saiyan, like you. I’m a half Saiyan.” Gohan explained.

“Wait, you’re a Saiyan? I had no idea! You look like one, I guess. But I’ve never heard of Goku before…” I trailed off.

“I think his Saiyan name was Kakarot. That’s what every Saiyan I’ve met has called him.” Krillin informed me.

“Kakarot…he’s Raditz’s brother yeah?” I asked Krillin.

“Raditz, yuck that name just gives me shivers. But yes, Raditz was apparently Goku’s brother.” Krillin muttered.

I then looked at Gohan who was looking away. But I swear I saw the kid shed a tear or two, or at least looked on the verge of crying.

I kept my mouth cemented shut about me being friends with Raditz, and how I already disliked this ‘Goku’ or Kakarot or whatever his name is, for killing Raditz. I didn’t want to end up alone again.

Raditz must have done something really bad to these people then. They don’t seem like troublemakers, and from memory he was sent to their planet to try and recruit Kakarot. Maybe I should review how I see Raditz.

I quickly shifted the topic to talking about Earth. I think they both enjoyed this conversation as they both fondly babbled on about the things on Earth. I could not blame them, the environment sounded absolutely beautiful.

A large hut upon a tall pillar like mountain was visible.

“Wait, guys. I can sense Vegeta, he’s approaching us.” Krillin bravely stated.

“Uh oh…” I replied.

“You both go in to see Guru. Gohan, you need your power awakened. Modesty, you should probably see what Guru can do for you as well. I’ll hold off Vegeta.” Krillin shouted at us.

“No. I should stay and hold him off with you. Frieza bought me here to use me as bait for Vegeta. I can help you guys out.” I argued back.

“NO! Go in now! You’re just wasting time!” Krillin demanded.

I rolled my eyes, sighed and continued onto the hut with Gohan.

They let Gohan in with ease, but as I was about to step in a few Namekians at the door stopped me.

“Haven’t you Saiyans unleashed enough devastation upon our people? Leave at once!” One of the Namekians said.

“Nail, let her pass. She is a friend and not a foe.” I heard a wise voice say.

I stepped in, and saw the largest Namekian I’ve ever seen (Technically, this is the first time I’ve stumbled across Namekians, but I could tell this was ‘Guru’ and Namekians usually did not look like that)

“Thank you.” I choked out.

“Do not be fearful, young one. Yes, I can see that you both have powers that need unleashing just as I did with your friend Krillin.” Guru stated.

“My mummy always told me that ladies go first.” Gohan said to me.

“I’m pretty much the one that’s gate crashing and tagging along. I really insist you go first.” I smiled at Gohan’s manners.

“This warms my heart, to see that two Saiyans are capable of such niceties. I guess we’ll let the young lady go first then.” Guru smiled.

I walked closer to Guru, and he put his hand on my head. His hand was so large that it covered my entire head.

“I promise you, I’m no warrior. I probably don’t have many powers to unlock.” I weakly smiled.

“Hush, young one. I can see now. You’ve only been exposed to evils in your life, so you’ve got a pure heart from wanting to lead a different path. You are quite innocent, and have many powers to unlock.” Guru stated.

I then felt warmth as I noticed a glow surround me, coming from Guru’s hand. I felt a rise in me, as if I was floating even though my two feet were firmly on the ground. After a few minutes the warmth and the glow stopped, but as I took a few steps back I still felt as if I was gliding. My whole body felt lighter.

“Thank you Guru. Gohan, you get your power unlocked while I go help Krillin with Vegeta, okay?” I asked Gohan.

“K!” Gohan said, looking determined with a tough nod.