But That Was When I Ruled The World

Chapter nine

I stepped out of Guru’s house, and saw Vegeta staring down the Namek from before, and Krillin right behind him.

“What do you want, now?” I sighed, rolling my eyes and leaning against the house.

“I’m here for the last Dragon Ball. It seems these weak earthlings you’ve decided to stay with are thieves as well as weak.” Vegeta snarled.

“You’re the thief! And a big BULLY!” Gohan snarled, storming out of Guru’s house.

Vegeta then began cackling, which turned into hearty laughs, which went on for a few minutes.

“For some reason you’re both stronger, but you both think you can stand up to ME? Prince Vegeta? Ha ha ha ha ha, I’d wipe the floor with you both so easily!” Vegeta laughed at Gohan and I.

Before I could give him a smart-ass reply, the Namekian child that was inside came running out.

“Guys! Guru has just informed me there’s powerful forces approaching Namek at the moment!” The child screamed, sounding absolutely terrified.

“Dende, don’t worry about it. It’s probably just Goku.” Krillin smiled.

“Do you really think it’s my Dad?” Gohan asked sounding excited.

“It’s not Kakarot. The power is too powerful. It’s…the Ginyu Force.” Vegeta said.

For once, there was no emotion in his voice. No anger, no pride and no sarcasm. He wasn’t happy to inform us all that Kakarot was heading to us with a powerful force. He didn’t even look at us as he said it, just stared up at the sky.

I couldn’t blame him. I felt the same throughout my body. I went numb. Then after the numb feeling fear, panic and anxiety rose through me.

Vegeta and I looked at each other for a second, and we both knew we felt the same feelings.

“You’ve got to give me the dragon ball RIGHT NOW! Otherwise we are DOOMED!” Vegeta panicked to Krillin, grabbing him by the shirt.

“Put me down!” Krillin shouted at Vegeta.

“The Ginyu Force is made of five men who are just as strong as me!” Vegeta exclaimed.

“He’s telling the truth. The Ginyu Force are ridiculously strong. We’re screwed…” I confirmed, and then with a small sigh exclaimed, “just when I got a taste of freedom and life got good”
“Take us to your dragon balls.” Krillin sighed.

Gohan and I gave Krillin a look; we both weren’t expecting him to comply with his wishes so quickly.

Vegeta said nothing as he kicked off and we started flying towards the spot where Vegeta and I swam to before.

I wasn’t sure how I felt about Krillin giving the last dragon ball to Vegeta, so Vegeta could wish for immortality. On one hand, it would easily allow Vegeta to defeat the Ginyu force and then Frieza.

But then what would happen? Vegeta wants immortality to be able to conquer the universe. I’m sure after he gets his wish he’ll forget how grateful he was to us, and wouldn’t think twice about crushing us.

Either way, we’re doomed.

We finally got to spot, and Vegeta touched down first, running towards the rest of dragon balls.

“Just add yours to the pile and we can make the wish.” Vegeta stated.

“I’m not giving up our dragon ball so easily! I will NEVER let you wish for immortality!” Krillin snarled at Vegeta.

Vegeta began growling at Krillin savagely and was about to get into a battle position when we felt strong powerful forces land behind us.

To our horror, as we turned around we saw the Ginyu force standing right in front of us.

“Why hello Vegeta and Modesty. Fancy seeing you two here, eh?” Ginyu smirked, giving an evil chuckle.

Vegeta growled, whilst I just stayed quiet out of fear. I wish I could uphold my Saiyan instincts and be as brave as Vegeta.

“Frieza just wants us to retrieve the dragon balls, and the Saiyan prince and princess. If you comply now, we won’t even have to fight.” Ginyu informed us.

Vegeta just growled in a response again, and once again I remained silent.

All eyes turned onto Guldo, who was trying to coax Vegeta into attacking him. Guldo must have known how much of a temper Vegeta has, and how easily it was to manipulate his emotions into blind rage, and use his fists instead of his mouth. Hell, I had picked up on that after knowing Vegeta for such a short amount of time.

All eyes were on Vegeta during this stage. Whether he would attack, whether he would not attack. This could be the starting point to the battle, or another turn of events could happen.

I however, felt the presence of somebody watching me. I looked around, and noticed Jeice was looking at me. He blew me a kiss, and I blushed and quickly looked away.

I was too scared of him to mouth off at him, but for god’s sake why is it always me that Frieza’s henchmen always go for?

Maybe I could use this to my advantage somehow…