Two High IQ's Make One Great Romance


“Good. You’re here. I hope you had a fabulous time on your trip, but let’s get to work.”

Penelope kissed both of my cheeks and immediately sat me down at the computer desk. I brushed my hair back into a messy bun, ready to work.

Once she had filled me in on every happening in the case, I felt prepared enough to help the team out with whatever they needed. Spencer was already in the field with Derek getting caught up on what we had missed. The team was dangerously close to catching the unsub, and with our help, he should be caught within the day.

“Now, cross reference those and continue researching the suspect. When you find something, call-“ I cut off Penelope with a hand to her face.

“Enough, I know the drill.” I put my hand down to run my fingers across the keyboard. Penelope smirked and patted my back.

“Sometimes you’re too much like me. I’m going off to meet with some press and then talk to the family of the suspect. Please be vigilant.” Penelope’s soft heels left the room and I was alone again in the glow of the tens of screens in front of me. It felt nice to be back at work after our short vacation, but then again, I was left with terrifying images and thoughts of incredibly mentally damaged murderers. But, saving people made it worth it.

Spencer began ringing my phone.

“Speak.” I answered, still researching.

“Hey, do you think it’s possible that the unsub visited any shopping malls in the last two days?”

I immediately looked at the suspect’s credit card record. “No credit card reports of him being there. There was an ATM withdrawal three days ago at three o’clock. He took out forty dollars.”

“Just the amount he’d need for a new dress shirt. Thanks Piper.” He hung up and surely was relaying the information to Hotch. I sighed and continued on my search, always vigilant for anything out of the ordinary.

Sure enough, two hours later the unsub had been arrested and interviewed by Derek, leaving everyone relieved that he had been caught. But this also meant that they would be leaving for another case in the next few days or possibly earlier if the timing was right.

Penelope and I were sitting in the computer lab, sipping coffee and talking about mine and Spencer’s vacation.

“You bought him a piano. Only you….” She shook her head in amusement. “Well, did he like
it?” She sipped her drink.

“He loved it. I just hope he doesn’t think he has to go all-out like that for me. Because I love giving gifts. I don’t want him to think that I need something extravagant. Although he already got me this amazing necklace which I can only assume cost around the same.”

“He knows you better than anyone, I’m sure he knows that you wouldn’t expect anything like that in return. Besides, he shouldn’t anticipate anything less from a millionaire’s daughter.”
I snorted into my coffee cup. “Most of my money is my own, from investments. I don’t accept money from my Father except from my trust fund which kicked in last year. But, I plan on saving most of that until I absolutely need it.”

“Ahem. Your Dad bought your house.”

“Well I didn’t say that I don’t accept presents from him.” We both laughed. A knock came to our door and we both knew who was on the other side.

“Enter if you must.” Penelope said with some sarcasm. Derek and Spencer strolled in, Spencer walking to me and giving me a quick peck on the lips.

“Kid told me about the present you got him, and I’ve got to say that you guys are in fact one of the best couples I’ve ever seen.” Derek said as he walked behind Penelope’s chair and rubbed her shoulders.

“They’re just so Princess Diaries that it kills me.” She said as she patted Derek’s hand.

“I don’t even know what that means and I disagree.” I stood and lifted my bag from the floor and shut down the computers for the night. Everyone but Spencer in the room laughed and Penelope rose to follow me.

“I don’t get it.” Spencer said, looking to me for an answer.

“Good thing you’re cute.” I pinched his cheek. He playfully smacked my hand away and kept hold of it.

“So listen,” Derek started as we all headed out the door, flipping off the lights as we went, “Reid and I were thinking that we should all go out for drinks tonight.”

Spencer’s hand automatically cradled mine. We punched out the codes to leave the office and locked the doors behind us. We waved to security and headed towards the parking ramp.

“Sounds good to me. As long as we’re not out too late, I’m tired.” I said.

“Kevin is busy with another team for the rest of the night so I’m free. Besides it will be nice to see the lovers in their natural setting.” Penelope spoke.

“How a bar is our natural setting is beyond me.” I replied.

“Meeting at Jake’s then?” Derek said. We all agreed.

Spencer and I climbed into my car. His fingers softly folded over mine as I began driving.

“You don’t mind me assuming that it’d be okay to go out to a bar tonight?” He asked cautiously.

“Not at all.” I said without hesitation.
The drive to my house was quiet was we went, as we were both tired. We changed quickly, me into a pair of jeans and a hoodie, while Spencer put on a different sweater and a pair of light jeans.

Derek and Penelope were already waiting for us when we arrived.

“Hello loves.” I said as we took a seat at two stools across from them. Spencer’s arm wrapped around my waist and I placed my hand on his leg.

“We ordered drinks for you they should be here-“ Before Derek got a chance to finish his sentence, two drinks were placed between Spencer and myself. I immediately took a sip and licked my lips before turning back to Derek and smiling.


Derek ruffled Spencer’s hair, laughing. “I can’t believe you cut that mane. It looks good though. You almost look like an adult.”

Spence laughed and slapped Derek’s hand away. “I think it looks sexy.” I said to him in a sultry voice. Penelope almost fell off of her chair with laughter.

“Seriously, I swear, the two of you are going to kill me.” She made a fake choking motion and looked to Derek for reassurance that she wasn’t the only one who hated our public displays of affection.

“Hey,” Spencer put his hands up, “Until she came around, I had to put up with you two talking about how you loved each other and how she was your ‘baby girl.’ So I don’t want to hear it.” Spencer said with a smile. Derek rolled his eyes and put one hand on Garcia’s shoulder.

“We’ve loved each other much longer than you two have even known each other. So let’s not argue about love right now.”

The entertaining arguments continued on for another few minutes until we all started to get a little too into the debate. As always, Spencer got carried away with his side of the argument and I had to pat his leg to calm him down.

“Spence, take it easy.” I laughed to him and kissed his cheek.

“Sorry. I got a little heated.” He laughed back.
The night continued on, all of us drinking in moderation as to make sure we could drive home.

“So where’s the piano going? Your house or his?” Derek asked me. I shrugged.

“It’s not my piano so I don’t imagine it would stay at my house.” I responded, mindlessly playing with my necklace.

“But he spends more time at your house than his own, so why not just keep it there?”

Spencer looked down at me with logic brewing in his eyes. “He makes sense. I do spend a lot of time at your house.”

“Well yeah.. but I spend a lot of time at your house too so what difference would it make?” I asked him, finishing off my final vodka cranberry drink.

“Why don’t you guys just move in together?” Penelope asked, acting innocent. My mouth popped open and I looked to her with shock and anger. Truth was I didn’t know if I could handle living with Spencer considering the amount of stress it would likely put on our relationship. Then again, we were together all of the time (when he wasn’t out on a case, of course) and both of our houses were big enough for the two of us.

“That’s uhh..” Spencer was struggling with words just like I was. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, still staring at Penelope.

“Come on. We’ve not been dating long enough.” I said, trying to end the conversation.

“Who cares how long you’ve been dating? You’re closer than any couple I’ve met and your relationship has escalated at a level that I’ve rarely seen before. It only makes sense to me that you move in together.” Derek said to the both of us. I shook my head and let the alcohol take over for me.

“Not right now.” I looked down to my cell phone and saw that it was nearing midnight. It was questionable as to if we would have a case tomorrow, but if not, I would be spending the day in bed resting. “We should get home.” I said, hoping to avoid the awkward discussion that was sure to happen if we stayed any longer.

“Whos house are you staying at tonight?” Penelope joked. I smacked her lightly on the shoulder before kissing her on both cheeks and hugging Derek. Spencer said his good byes and we strolled out the door, heading for my car.

Once we were in the car, we both knew what conversation was resulting from the one we just had in the bar.

“They make a good point.” Spencer said, starting us off. I started the car and pulled of the parking lot.

“I know we spend a lot of time together, but you really think living together right now is a good idea? I mean… I know we’re both financially stable, and we treat each others houses like our own, but… I just think that that is moving really quickly for us.” I wanted to try to explain how I felt, but it was difficult to put it into words. I was just mainly worried for what kind of tension this would do to us. We had our share of fights, and I didn’t want us moving in together to cause more of those.

“How is it quick at all? Our relationship has escalated at a level that is statistically unusual, and we love each other…” he trailed off, wanting to convince me with love and statistics instead of calming my worries. Calming me usually was not one of Spencer’s strong suits, and he and I both knew it. I was usually in charge of relaxing myself.

“I don’t know Spence…. Do you really want to?” I asked him, quickly taking my eyes of the road.

“I think… I think we could try to. Where am I going to put the piano anyway if I’m always jumping between houses? Don’t you want to be settled in one location and not have to worry about who’s stuff is where and what bed you’ll be sleeping in each night?” He made sense. We were living together anyway, just at two houses.

“Okay. Well, if we give this a try…. If it doesn’t work… then what happens?”

“How would it not work?”

“What if I can’t handle you all the time? Or vice versa? Would we break up… or… I don’t know.” I scratched my head and pulled into the narrow drive way of Spencer’s townhouse.

“Then… we live separately. I don’t… I don’t really want to consider that happening.” Our conversation had now taken a bit of a turn. Neither of us had ever brought up the matter of our possible separation, as neither of us had really ever contemplated it.

“I don’t either.” I said as Spencer punched in the code to get into his house and used his keys to unlock the front door. I was immediately hit with the smell of books, coffee, and some cologne. A few of my distinct scents (like vanilla and raspberries) had managed to work their way into his home as well.

“So then…” I began, “Whos house?” I asked, looking around as if I was seeing it for the first time.

Spencer hummed, looking around as well. “I don’t know.” He said simply. I coughed out a laugh, thinking about how this was one of the few things that he did not know.

“Well… I really have no attachments to my new fancy house. I know this house holds a lot of meaning to you.” I said with shrug. While I loved my house and the way it looked and just how terribly modern it was, Spencer’s warn-in and classic home made me feel comfortable.

“I wouldn’t say it holds a lot of meaning to me. I’ve only lived here a few years. We could buy a new house!” He said as if it was the most brilliant idea he had ever thought of. I shook my head immediately.

“Absolutely not. I refuse to move into an unfamiliar place yet again this year. Two moves are enough. At least I know this house well enough.”

“Well I have no problem moving into your house.” He said, beginning up the stairs towards his bedroom.

“Come on,” I started stripping my clothes off, digging through his drawers for a pair of shorts and a tee-shirt. “We both can’t be so accommodating. One of us really has to have an opinion on this.” I yawned after the sentence, throwing myself onto his mattress and immediately cuddling into the covers. He changed quickly to pajamas similar to my own (because we were both wearing his clothes) and crawled into bed, following me. His arm pulled me in tight and I yawned into his chest, needing to sleep more than anything.

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow.” He kissed my forehead and then leaned his head down to kiss me quickly on the lips. I sighed into his mouth.

“I love you, Spencer. I love that you deal with me.” I said with a sleepy smirk.

He smirked right back and kissed me once more. “There’s nothing to deal with. I’m yours forever.” He paused and smiled. “I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
thanks for reading! I apologize for this being out a little later than expected, but I started writing a new story and it's taking up a lot of my writing time (im not sure if i'll post it on mibba, its a gerard way story. if anyone would want to read it let me know and i could send a preview. I need opinions!!)

also, thanks for all of the comments! hope you like this chapter although i consider it to be a bit boring, but at least Piper and Spencer are moving in together =]