Hidden Dreams

Anna is a college student working on trying to gain a career in the music industry. when she seems stressed she looks to her fave band Allstar Weekend fo some comfort.
Anna's boyfriend, Mason loves to support Anna.. but there's just something about him thats qustionable....
When anna meets Cameron for the first time at a meet and greet, they hit it off..
but who knew meeting someone from your favorite band could change so many life choices...
  1. Surprise!
    You get to know the main character Anna, she is just an aspiring musician who loves Allstar Weekend
  2. The Concert
    Anna and Erin enjoy themselves at the concert, and meet Cameron Dillon for the first time backstage
  3. Introductions
    Anna isintroduced tothe rest of the band which is entertaining...but why cant she recognize that girl that came in the room!?
  4. Car Rides and Dinner Time
    Remember the two girls we still don't quite know yet...well now you'll get to know who they are
  5. Amy's Story
    Ever wonder how Amy came into the picture?
  6. Interruptions & Invitations
    Anna calls Mason, and he gives her an attitude..which goes downhill...but Cameron knows just how to cheer her up