Hidden Dreams

The Concert

Friday night and I had been staring into my closet for what seemed like forever. I had no idea what to wear! It was really starting to bug me.

"You know what, I'm just calling Erin to come over tonight to help me what to wear."



"Hey Erin, It's Anna. Can you comeover tonight to help me with what to wear tomorrow because I'm clueless on what to wear!" I begged.

"Haha, yes I can my dear little Anna. I will help you find something cute and eye catching so Cameron will notice you tomorrow. Be there in ten!"

"Wait? What? Thats not what I mea.." (Erin hung up on me.)

Wow, she would. I guess I'll just sit and wait for her....
"Learn how to freakin' drive!!! Ugh! Ihate people!!"

"Uh... Erin...Chillax."

"Ugh! I can't 'chillax' when people can not drive to save their lives! And don't look at me like that, I do not have road rage."

I laughed, "sure you don't"

After a difficult time trying to find a parking spot, we finally parked behind the stage area near the exit. And after pushing through huge crowds of girls in mini skirts, short shorts, bras hanging out, I felt really conservative and innocent. Erin had come over my house last night and picked out high waisted shorts with a white tank, tucked in with denim suspenders.
Erin and I were jumping with the crowd and singing along to Catching Up, when I noticed Cameron staring directly at me with his gorgeous green eyes. I felt a little awkward, I mean why would he be looking into my simple brown eyes? I was nothing special. He must have noticed the weird look on my face because he kind of laughed to himself and continued to play. I wonder If he’ll recognize me at the meet and greet…

“Oh my gosh! I wonder if the guys are nice in person!” Erin said while a security guard was escorting us backstage.

“Erin, I’m sure they are nice in person.”

I heard footsteps behind me and before I could turn to see who it was someone said , “ Well, I hope we’re nice in person.” I turned around and it was Cameron, and he had Dillon with him.
“Hey I recognize you! I saw you in the front row. You looked like you were having fun,” Cameron said smiling.

“Oh, yeah I was having fun.”

Well then that answers my questioned, he did notice me. I looked over at Erin and we both smiled at each other before turning our attention back to Cameron and Dillon .
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In the next chapter ALL the Adub members will be introduced I promise!!! :)