Zombie 2.0 1/2

I'd like to see you try sir.

“We only have about another hour to go before we get to the High School. Maybe a little less if I can keep driving the way I am, but we’re burning fuel quickly.”

“Didn’t we bring any extra?” Banana asked.

“Uh, we were in such a hurry to get out of there… I’m not sure. And I don’t think we have time to check, so we’re just gonna have to find out when we run out of gas. Which hopefully doesn’t happen.”

“Yeah, because I don’t think I can run very fast.” Banana said.

“ I’d carry you if that were the case.”

For the first time since they discovered Rev was hurt Banana laughed.

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Don’t worry should the time call for it I can be a really strong man.”

“At least you didn’t ask me if I wanted tickets to the gun show.” She said looking out the window.

“I’m sorry, did you WANT tickets to the gun show? Cuz I can totally score you some.”

“Let’s not and say we did.”

“Why not? I think you’d enjoy it. It’s really nice these guns are beautiful.” He let go of the steering wheel with one hand and made a muscle.

“Oh my god. Maybe we should focus on the fact that we need to get to the high school so maybe we can save Rev’s life.” Banana finished.