Zombie 2.0 1/2


Pilot came in to change the battery and make sure Rev was set up with what he needed. Deci was still talking to him while Dean and Banana caught some sleep.

“I have to charge the other battery. I don’t have time to take him off. He’s going to be fine, he’s got his blood count re-grouping and as long as he rests he should be good to go in about two days.”

“There goes the plan to go to the mountain before everyone else gets there.” Rev sighed.

“We’ll get there. It’s not your fault.”

“If I hadn’t of gotten shot, or drunk, or run around. If I would have taken a nap more often and tried to maybe help myself heal…”

“It’s still not your fault.” She said.

Pilot nodded and slipped out the door.

The sun was due up at any moment and Rev was still fighting sleep despite the advice of Pilot.

“If you don’t sleep I’ll knock you out. You were just acting guilty about not sleeping and resting, why not just take it up now.”

“Because I feel like I don’t need sleep. I have juice running through my veins.”


Banana mumbled ‘zombie’ in her sleep.

“You don’t have ‘juice’, you have medicine.” She smiled.

“Same thing really. Power juice, whatever.” He mumbled. His eye lids were drooping but he still fought it.

“We are safe here, it’s not like we have to go anywhere. You can rest and we’ll take over until you get better. It’s not a big deal. THEN we’ll go to the mountain.”

“You think that’s a good idea still?” He asked. “With all those crazy bastards running around out there?”

“I think that if we get there and find a good spot, we’ll be fine. We just have to beat them at their own game. Be fully prepared.”

Pilot came in and Deci excused herself from Rev’s bedside.

“Pilot? Do you have anything that you can put in his IV? To make him go to sleep?” She whispered so Rev wouldn’t hear them.

“I have morphine. It should knock him out. I don’t want to sedate him for a long period of time just incase things go south. It would be a lot harder to haul him around unconscious then it would be to fight off ten zombies at once.” He said.

“I understand. I just want him to sleep enough to get himself back in working order.”

Pilot nodded and left. No one was sure where he kept most of his medical supplies. It was alright no one wanted to know really, in case someone misused them.

Deci sat back down with Rev and talked to him for a bit longer until Pilot came back.

“What are you doing?” Rev asked when he noticed him putting something in to his IV.

Pilot used a long string of big words that Rev didn’t understand and before he could ask him to explain it in simple terms, he shut his eyes and dozed off to sleep.