Zombie 2.0 1/2

Showing emotions is punishable by death.

“I told you! Aim higher!” Dean said. He was trying to encourage but was only sounding more frustrated.

“DO YOU WANT TO DO IT?” Banana asked.

“No. I obviously can’t shoot for you if you ever get in the situation that calls for it.”

“Well then stop yelling at me and just let me figure it out. I have time.”

“It’s not that you’re bad at it. Obviously you’re good with guns you like to shoot the big ones. It’s just, the smaller ones that you need to actually aim are the ones that you need to practice.”

Banana grumbled. “I can do this.” She said in a singsong, yet highly annoyed, voice.

“Alright, alright. You can. I know you can. I just want you to know what you’re doing. We are going to find your glasses. You need to know how to defend yourself just in case your glasses ended up on a zombie’s face.” Dean said.

Banana smiled a little and lost her concentration. “UGH! I could do this if you weren’t here.” She said.

“Do you want Norman or Ivan to help you?” he asked.


“Okay then, just take it easy. Breathe. Do what ever it is that you do best.”

“What I do best is video games. I think if I take this like a video game-.”

“It’s not a video game.” Dean said.

“Obviously, or we could put in a cheat code and have infinite lives and ammo. Shit we could even probably put in a cheat that made us dressed like clowns and we could run them over in ice cream trucks.”

Dean laughed. “Alright, fine. Video game it up.”

Banana continued shooting. Finally after a few shots she figured out what she needed to do, and after that she barely missed.

Deci came out to investigate and watched for awhile then made her way in to the chill room where Rev was roaming around, but still taking it easy.

“How do you feel?” She asked.

“I feel a lot better now that I’m not bleeding all over the place.”

“That’s a good thing. Pretty soon you’ll be good as new.”

“I know.” He grinned. “So I’ve been thinking.”

“Ugh, that’s not good. I hope you haven’t been thinking about why we’re here.” Deci said.

“No. Nothing like that, although… Nah. But I’ve been thinking. That night that I almost died… the other night actually, we made a deal.” Rev said getting up and walking over to the desk that was planted at the front of the room.

“Wait, you remember that? I didn’t even remember that and you’re the one who’s been shot.”

“Of course I remember. Because I’m pretty sure you said you’d marry me if I got Banana and Dean together.”

“In case you haven’t noticed, they’re not together. They don’t even really act like they know each other half the time.”

“That’s not true. I think they just think they’re off the hook, and it’s up to us to remind them. And up to you to tell them we’re getting married.” He smiled.

“We’re not getting married! It was just a dumb bet, and you ANNOYED her in to PRETENDING her and Dean were together so you would SHUT UP!”

“Oh come on you’re just trying to get out of this.” Rev said.

“No, it’s not that. I just think it’s silly. I’m not the only girl left in the world you know. And I’m sure that once all this is over with you’ll find someone else. You don’t have to rush in to it.”

“Sounds like you really don’t want to do it.”

“It’s not that, it’s just I know that this isn’t going to work out.”

“How do you know that? Now you’re just bitter because I won the bet.”

“Why are you making this so hard?” She asked.

“I’m not. Not at all you’re the one who is like ‘errrrr’.”

Deci sighed. “No.”

“I think you are. Fine, why don’t we go ask Banana and Dean.”

Deci sighed and helped Rev to the outside where they could question the two.

The outside…

“What did you do to be able to shoot that good?” Dean asked amazed.

“Like I said I play a lot of video games. I docked a lot of Call of Duty time. Plus when I was younger my dad took me out and let me shoot a couple of his guns.” Banana said looking at him with a smug smirk.

Just then they heard foot steps approaching so they turned to see Rev and Deci approach. Rev looked like he won a million bucks while Deci looked like she had just been thrown into the middle of a poke war on facebook.

“I told you!” Rev yelled pointing.

“Just cause she is SMILING doesn’t mean any thing Rev.”

“Excuse me?” Banana asked a little confused.

“Oh me and Deci made a bet. I clearly win.” Rev smiled.

“What bet?” Dean asked now interested.

“Nothing!” Deci exclaimed smacking Revs arm.

“Deci…” Banana gave her a pretty intimidating look.

“Banana. You really don’t wanna know…” She said slightly nervous.

“Out with it.”

“Well I bet Deci that if I could get you two together then we could get-” Rev got cut off.

“God dammit Rev!” Deci turned to him yelling.

“What? I’m only speaking how it is!” He retorted.

“Uh… Banana?” Dean asked worriedly.

Rev and Deci slowly turned to look at Banana. To their horror she was bright red and ready to tear some ones head off. Oh dear God. They had done it now.

“What did you just say?”

“The sky looks lovely at this time of day?” Rev asked scratching the back of his head.

“I think we should just go and let Banana cool down. Other wise I have a feeling that we’re going to end up on the milk carton.” Deci said and backed away.

“NO! Wait a minute, let’s just stop.” Dean said holding up one hand. “I’m sick of this running around stuff. I work hard to make Banana favor me, and when she does SOMETHING messes it up. Now, I just got in her good graces, and you guys are talking about this…together…thing… and now she’s going to pretend to hate me in order to avoid her true feelings.”

Banana glared at Dean. “I swear to God if you start with the feelings thing again…” Her hands made a ringing motion. Dean knew his neck was the invisible object it was choking.

“Yes, yes I am talking about feelings. But I’m not saying that you don’t have them, I’m saying that you do and this is getting to be a pain in the ass! Admit it! You have feelings for me!” He yelled.

Banana and Dean were glaring at each other and didn’t notice Rev and Deci slip away.

“I don’t want to get in to this! How many times do I have to tell you guys that?”

“Until you finally change your act.” Dean said crossing his arms. “I’m not going to stop this time until you admit that you have feelings for me.”

“I DON’T! Why would you flatter yourself that way!?”

“I’m not. You do have feelings. Admit them and I will leave you alone. I won’t even ask you to act on them, I just want you to admit it.”



“NO!” Her voice was getting louder and more angry.

“I need you to tell me!” Dean yelled.


“Fine! You know what? Fuck it.” Dean threw his hands up in the air and stalked off angrily.

“Oh like YOU get to walk away!” Banana chased after him. “What is wrong with you? I keep getting this feelings bullshit but every time we go through this you act like you know it all and you feel just a little bit too much!”

“I…” He glared at her. “FINE! You know what? I give up! I don’t want to go through this anymore, it’s more of a pain in the ass than anything else!”

“FINE! Then why don’t you stop with this trying to get me to admit stuff I don’t feel! I don’t want to hurt your feelings because you’re my friend!”

Dean got angry and tried to say something but nothing came out. He finally got over frustrated and stuck his middle finger up.

Banana laughed.

Dean held the finger there for a minute and then sighed and smiled.

“Do you feel better?”

“A little. Maybe if I’d of given you both of them.”

“Feel free.”

Dean stuck both fingers up at her.


“Yeah a little.”

They stood around in an awkward silence until finally Dean decided he would try a different approach.

“Look, Banana…Er, what is your real name?”

She looked around. “Uh, nothing.”




“Okay, okay, it’s Sara, but DON’T call me that. It’s part of what was, and I am now Banana. Just like Deci. Her name isn’t Deci but that’s just the way it’s gonna be.”

“Fine. Look, Banana, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to push and pry it’s just… I am getting so damn frustrated with this. One minute you and I get along and I know something … no matter how small it is, is there. Then the minute someone brings it up… You act like it’s a crime to have feelings for someone.”

“What if it is? It’s punishable by death you know. In my country… of…Bananatopia.”

Dean narrowed his eyes.

“Alright, alright.” She held up her hands.

“It’s NOT a crime to feel things for people. And I don’t know why you feel that it’s, I dunno… I dunno.” He put his hands on his hips.


“It’s like you’d rather be eaten by a zombie then admit you actually might feel a LITTLE something for me. Am I that bad?” The last four words seemed a little saddened.

“It’s not that, it’s not you-.”

“Let me guess, ‘it’s not you it’s me’. Right?”

“No, it’s not that either. It’s just.. I don’t know. I just am not like that. I don’t see the point in putting forth an effort in to something that won’t last. You will find someone. It’s not like this is really the end of the world. We know how to kill them, we know how to stop them, and if we’re alive, so are other people.”

“What if that doesn’t matter to me?” he asked.

“You think it doesn’t matter. But let me tell you, the minute some one else would walk through those gates or whatever, it’s just not worth it to me. And not just with you, with anyone. And besides don’t you think that a zombie apocalypse is a good enough excuse to put this kind of thing on hold?”

“No. I think it’s the time to actually act on it. But I see you don’t believe in my shitty beliefs.”

“I never said they were shitty.”

“You didn’t have to. You pretty much said it all with what you didn’t say.” He turned and started to walk off.

“Wait.” Banana said.

Dean turned around and looked at her.

“Okay, I’m going to say this one. Time. And we’re not going to ever re-live it. We’re not going to discuss it, and we can pretend it didn’t happen, but…”She drew in a deep breath, “ImayhavefeelingsforyousomewhatbutthatdoesntmeanthatIamgoingtoactonthemorevenacknowledgethefactthatthisevenhappenedbutitsokaybecausenowIfeelbetterIgotitoutthere.”

Dean looked at her for a minute and raised his eye brow. It went up and down for about three minutes until finally he grinned.

“I knew it.”

“You don’t know nothing. What’d you know?”

“It’s too late.” Rev’s voice came from behind a crate.

“WHAT?!” Banana turned around.

“It was an accident! I swear! I came back to tell Dean that Pilot needs him…well, me and Deci came back to tell him, and …we only heard the last part of your little rant…but it was too fast, we didn’t hear much.” Rev’s speed in his speech was picking up.

Banana looked for a moment like she would either die herself or kill them, then she sighed and put her hand on her forehead. “I feel a headache coming on.”

Dean grinned. “But at least we all got what we wanted today.”

Banana walked off and Deci followed her.

Rev hobbled over to Dean and leaned against the fence. “So…”


“Ever wonder why we’re here?” He was laughing by the end of the sentence.

Dean smiled. They went inside to find Pilot.