Zombie 2.0 1/2

Norman? Who is that?

Dean walked into the ‘chill room’ and over to Pilot with a smug look on his face.

“What’s with you?” Pilot asked.

“Oh nothing. It’s a secret. Anyways you wanted to see me?” He asked avoiding the whole incident that happened just before arriving here.

“Yes, I did. I have a truck that you can use to take to your car. I’m going to send just you, Banana, and Norman. I need the rest to stay. But I trust that you guys will succeed.”

“A truck huh?” Dean looked around. “I thought we could just take the copter for a spin.”

“I thought you were afraid of flying?” Pilot asked.

Rev looked at Dean and then back at Pilot.

“I never said that…” Dean said looked around suspiciously.

Pilot grinned. “You can’t fool me son.”

“Alright, alright, Rev don’t you tell anyone.” Dean looked at Pilot. “So this truck, where is it? I’ve never seen it.”

“That’s because there are things we keep hidden. Just incase we can’t trust someone. I think it’s safe to say that we can trust you guys.” Pilot said.

“Of course you can. We wouldn’t ever turn on you guys. You saved my life.” Rev said.

“I’m sure you’d do the same for any of us if we needed the help.” Pilot said. “Come on, this way to the truck.”

They walked around a tall building and to what appeared to be a bus garage. Pilot opened a small door to the side and walked in and then opened up the bigger doors a few moments later.

Dean looked around and saw that there were four vehicles sitting side by side. A large black truck that was decked out as far as he could see and beside it was a small red sports car. The other two were military vehicles. Dean wondered how Pilot could come up with them, even if he was in the military.

“So I take it the beast to the left is ours.”

“Of course. I’ll go get Norman and the fruit.”

Pilot disappeared and Dean went to investigate the truck, Rev behind him.

“So Rev, you said you and Deci made a bet if you could get Banana and me together. Just curious what was that bet?”

Rev’s eyes bulged a little and he looked around. “I…”

“You were open to saying it before what is different now?”

“Well see before it just seemed… like a good time. Now is not a good time.”

“How is now different then before?” Dean raised an eye brow.

“Well, the sun was higher in the sky, the… planets were aligned, right now the sun is too … lower…ish. And the planets? Don’t get me started on how they’re wrong.”

Dean stared at him. “You really are crazy aren’t you?” He asked.

“I might be… but the sun isn’t right for admitting that either.”

Dean rolled his eyes. “Alright fine, but you know Dec won’t lie to me right?”
“The moon isn’t out. She can lie.”

“She’s not going to lie.”

“Alright fine. Fine. The sun is getting in to position.” He looked around. “We bet if I could get you together with Banana she’d marry me. And if she won… well I forgot what she would win because I knew that I would win. But yeah.”

“So… Does that mean that you two are getting married?”

“Does that mean you and Banana are together?”

There was a silence.


“Well we don’t tell Deci.” Rev grinned.

“I think that would be pretty misleading. But a little funny…” Dean smiled.


“Seeing you two get married, sounds like it could be pretty interesting to me. I think I could even get Banana to pretend to date me so you two can get married. Of course, it wouldn’t be legal… not now, unless Pilot can marry people as well as go completely bad ass on everyone here.”

Rev laughed. “I don’t think that would work.”

“Watch me.” Dean grinned even bigger.

Banana and Norman showed up with Deci behind them. She was there to collect Rev.

“You guys get ready and set out. There are effects in the trunk to help you in case you need anything.” Pilot said tossing Dean the keys.

Banana, Dean and Norman climbed in the truck and set off to find the car. And as Banana hoped, her glasses.


“So… what is gonna happen to your car?” Banana asked.

“I have some gas in the back. We will just fill her up and drive her on home.” Dean smiled brightly.

“Oh I see.” Banana said folding her hands in her lap. The silence set in again and felt slightly awkward. After about twenty minutes of that awkward-fest they arrived at the car. “Oh no.”

“NOOOOOOOO!” Dean let out that sounded quite like that of Darth Vader in Episode III. Banana put her hand on Dean’s shoulder.

“I am very sorry dude. Tough break.”

Dean immediately flew out of the car and ran over to the stripped car. He then proceeded to hug it as best as he could. Banana got out and walked over to him.

“Hey… I really am sorry. I know it was from your dad and all…” Dean straightened up and looked at Banana.


“I said-”

“My dad never gave me this. I built this in my spare time.”

“Wait. What?” Now it was Banana’s turn to be confused.

“Really. I did.” He said still looking at her.


“Now why is that strange? Because I built an awesome car?”

“Wha- no. I just really… didn’t. I was told that, that car was given to you by your dad.” Banana said nearly frantic in the way of waving her arms in front of her. Dean began laughing. “What now?”

“I’m just kidding. He really did give it to me.” He smiled.

Banana’s eyes hit such a narrow level that Dean thought she fell asleep.



“Just making sure you didn’t pass out on me or anything.”

“No. No. I just… You’re sure your dad gave you the car?”

Dean looked at her, his eyebrow in its usual position when he was around her.

“Well I’m just asking.” She threw her hands up in the air.

“Yes. My dad really did give me the car. He actually helped me build it. He paid for most of the parts. I’d get a part for Christmas or my birthday. I’d get it for Easter or whatever they thought was a good time to give presents. And then he helped me put it all together.” Dean looked strait at the road and didn’t say anything for a while.

“So what are we going to do about the car?” Banana asked.

“I don’t… there’s no car to do anything with.” He said sounding depressed.

“So, do we just… turn back?” Banana asked.

“I guess that’s all there is to do. There’s no way that I can haul this back.”

“I am sorry you know.”

“I know you are. I am too. It was a good car. A really good car.”

Banana walked around the car and found a hood ornament laying on the ground. She picked it up and brought it over to Dean.

He glanced down at it and then took it from her. “Thanks.” He said.

“No problem I thought you might want it. As a little… memento or something.”

He nodded and then reached over and gave her arm a squeeze.

“Anyway!” Banana walked off towards the truck. “We need to find my glasses!”

“And how do you think we are going to-.” But Dean’s words went unfinished. He saw something shining close to the ditch. He walked over quietly and looked down. There on the ground were Banana’s glasses they were snapped in half. He bent down and picked up the pieces and examined them. Maybe Pilot was handy enough to fix them. He pictured Banana wearing the thick Army glasses like the ones that they make everyone wear and he laughed.

“What’s funny?” Banana’s voice came from behind him.

He spun around. “Oh, um. I found your eyes.” He held up the pieces.

Bananas face fell. “God damnit! It’s not like I can go to a damn eye doctor and have him fix those or gimme a new pair!”

“I was thinking maybe Pilot would have a way to do it.”

“He is crafty. Maybe. But if he can’t it’s not like I can see from now on.”

“We will just have to see.”

They walked back to the truck and noticed Norman sitting in the back in the bed of the truck. He was wearing a grin. They had completely forgotten about him.

High School. Supply Room.

Ivan and Deci were getting things for dinner in the small room that contained all their food. They were silent at first, working on what they were getting but Deci didn’t like the silence.

“Pilot seems pretty prepared for this whole thing.” She said.

“He was in the military he’s supposed to be that prepared for something. You know, nuclear bomb or something. I mean, Air strike whatever. He’s prepared for almost anything. He thinks that if we’re the only ones going through this, in order to avoid it spreading they might actually bomb us.”

Deci shivered. “You think so?” She asked.

“I don’t know if I believe it. I honestly think the entire world is like this. I don’t think it just singled us out and if I had something must have taken it further. Like a bird or a deer or even someone who got over a boarder somewhere.”

“That’s a possibility.” She sighed and put the rest of what she got off the shelf into the bag she was carrying. “So are you worried? I mean, we survive this and then someone just… bombs us and clears out everything?”

“Like I said, I think everyone has to deal with this. It wouldn’t last if they didn’t have it too.”

“Is it wrong that I hope that the rest of the world is dealing with this too?”

“No. I hope that too. I’d much rather be sharing the wealth.” He smiled at her.

When they were done getting what they wanted they headed back to the kitchen to make dinner.