Zombie 2.0 1/2

Not only is she crazy... she is violent.

When Deci and Rev walked in to the bunker Norman was playing a drinking game with Dean while Banana was talking to Ivan, who looked distraught.

Deci took her place next to Banana and Ivan on the beds while Rev went to investigate what kind of drinking game was going on. Even though he couldn’t drink he was a curious little bugger.

“I don’t understand how Pilot is taking this so easy. I mean I know we’re difficult sometimes but I mean really?”

“I don’t think it’s you guys.” Deci said. “It’s really not, I think he just thinks it’s his time to do what he can and go out with a bang.”

“He doesn’t need to go out with a bang, he needs to stay with the family for as long as he can! Why is he giving up?” Norman said from the other side of the room.

“I think you should take that up with him yourself. Not with us around. Maybe he’d explain it to you a little better.” Deci said.

Norman just grunted.

“So why are we getting drunk, what’s the occasion?” Rev asked.

“Maybe we need a different one now.” Ivan suggested.

“I know, how about we drink to Banana and I finally being together!” Dean smiled.

“I hope you know that is not… true.” Banana said wrinkling her nose.

“Oh how is it not true? We made a deal, or something, and I really don’t know how this worked out, BUT! It’s the truth!”

“I don’t recall.” Banana said.

“Well, I do, since Deci and I are getting married. And we are only getting married because of the uniting you guys did back awhile ago.”

“We don’t talk of this.” Banana said.

“We should we really should.” Ivan said smiling.

“No, there is no need for us to go there.” Banana scowled at Dean who’s smile melted when he caught her stare.

“Look, we might as well be honest with everyone! Plus you’re denying Deci and Rev their marriage.” He winked at Rev who nodded and took a drink of a beer no one saw him grab.

“Why would you deny us our right to wed Banana? Why? Why would you do that?” Rev asked.

“I’m not doing it to you! If you wanted to get married you guys would just do it!”

“No we can’t we have an agreement from all the way back when I thought I was dying!”

“Well then as you were dying you shoulda just got her to marry you!”

“That doesn’t work! That’s not the agreement that I remember making!” Banana yelled.

“You didn’t make one!”


“Well me and Deci made it so we can’t marry if you two aren’t together. If I remember correctly you said that you would prove you love or whatever to Dean before the zombies broke into the cabin.” Rev said smirking.

“What? You mean when you were PROVOKING me when I was DRUNK? THAT DOESN’T COUNT AND YOU KNOW IT!” Banana yelled at him.

“It does too!” She became with red with anger. Dean walked over to her and slung his around her.

“Now, now lets not turn this into a drama-fest. Banana remember awhile back when my dad died that you would bake me a pie? Well lets take this time to make it!”

Banana’s eyes narrowed.

“I said that to make you better.”

“Well I’m really broken up still so will you make it for me now?”

“NO! I’m not finished!” Rev intercepted.

Banana didn’t even look at him as she walked out of the room with Dean in tow.

“Well, that didn’t go how I thought it would.” Rev said rather deflated.

“What did you expect? Her to be all warm and fuzzy? That’s not Banana and if she would’ve been like that then I would probably have to kill her.”

“And then they made out?” Rev asked in to the silence.

“No Rev, no one makes out.” Deci said sighing heavily. “Someday she will admit it. Maybe not with a smile on her face…no most definitely not with a smile, probably a scowl… and a knife, and most likely she’ll try to use it… but still.”

“Oh she wouldn’t hurt us would she?” Ivan asked.

Deci and Rev exchanged looks and then laughs.

“She would?”

“You never know with her. That’s the beauty of it all. You never know if you’re gonna die by getting munched on by a zed, or Banana’s wrath.”

“That sounds a little drastic. It must just be for show.” Norman said.

“No, it’s not for show. That woman is nuts and the only reason I am still alive is because I got really good at dodging her and her knives.”


Deci held up her arm and pointed to a spot on her arm just above her heartagram tattoo.

“What? She give you that tattoo with her knife?” He chuckled.

“No you asshole. Look harder.”

Norman looked and finally sighed. “I see a scar yeah but-.”

“THAT’S RIGHT! You see a scar, do you know how that got there?”

“Not a clue.”

“BANANA!” She waved her arms around. “She stabbed me with a stick!”

“What?” He raised an eye brow.

“Yes, don’t worry I’m not making this shit up. I swear, one day we were sitting outside and she just stabbed me with a damn stick. Like, I had no idea there was a scar until I looked at it. And it was then I knew… Her and I would be alright friends if she avoided sharp objects and I avoided HER when she had sharp objects.”

“Well that’s… comforting.” Ivan said.

“Oh, don’t worry. I’m sure she won’t ever do any of that to you guys. It’s more like people she knows she abuses.” Rev said.

“No, I’ve seen her almost kill a stranger.” Deci didn’t look like she was joking.

“Were they a zombie?” Ivan asked hopefully.

“What do you think?”

There was a silence, and Norman shifted uneasily.

“Alright then! I’m going to go see if I can’t find something to do.” Deci got up and walked towards the door.

“Yeah me too, I shouldn’t be drinking.” Rev got up and went after her.

“You guys, please, talk to Pilot. He will explain everything once you’re not so angry with him.” Deci shut the door behind her.