Zombie 2.0 1/2

Norman did it!

Outback between four buildings there was a fire blazing. Pilot figured since so much was on fire any ways, a farewell bonfire wouldn’t really make a difference.

“I am going to miss you guys.” Pilot said.

“Oh, don’t start with the mushy stuff.” Norman complained. “I really don’t think I can take it right now.”

“I apologize, but I just want you two to know, you were like my own sons.”

“And you were like our father.” Ivan said. They all raised their bottles of beer.

“I think, in honor of Pilot we should all say some words.” Norman said.

“Oh relax, I’m not dead.”

“No, but this is your party, and we’ll all cry if you make us. Torture is a bitch.”

Pilot laughed.

“I’ll go first.” Norman said standing up. “Pilot you came in to my life when I needed it most. You rescued me when I was… in a worse place. And you know what? You taught me to live even when the rest of the world had gone to hell. There was a reason and it’s you guys. Pilot, you are an amazing man, and I look up to you so much. I’m glad we met and had this time together.”

Pilot nodded and held up his beer. “Here here.”

“I’ll go second…” Ivan said standing up. “Pilot, you also saved me. If it wasn’t for you and Norman, mostly you because we all know Norman couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag, I wouldn’t be here. I used to think that it wasn’t worth living through this but you showed me a lot of things….and…you’re an amazing guy… I’m glad we had this time…together…”

“Uh huh, sounds a little plagiarized but none the less, here here.” He held up his beer again and smiled.

Deci decided that since she was good with words she would go after Ivan. “Pilot, I don’t even know your real name. Or where you’re from or who you were other than your military profile, but you are one of the few left in the world who could have saved it. I’m sure you were a great man back in the day. And if I had a chance to know you in a different time, I would have been glad to call you a friend.”

“Thank you sweetheart. You mean just as much to me as my boys do.”

She smiled and sat down.

Rev grinned. “Oh! Me next!” He got up and went over to Pilot and sat down on his lap. “Pilot, sir, it was a great honor to have served this fight against the mush heads with you. You are indeed a good sir. SIR!”

Pilot was laughing hysterically, it could have been the booze, or Rev’s really strange sense of humor that made it so funny but either way he was enjoying himself.

“Pilot, I just want to say, it’s an honor.” Dean said. Pilot nodded.

Banana was left and when everyone looked at her she stood up slowly.

“Thank you for flying your helicopter and getting me while I was walking down the road all alone, surrounded by zombies. And also thank you for the Teddy Bear.”

Pilot smiled. “See she does have feelings.”

Banana smiled an honest smile back.

They sat around for a few hours talking about ‘back in the day’ and how Pilot had gotten in to the marines, his social life, his wife and children and how he hoped that at least one of them had made it. He also named names just in case they should ever encounter any of them.

“Well, kids, it’s getting late I’d better go turn in.”

“Oh come on, just a few more minutes. We haven’t even gotten your real name out of you!” Rev begged.

“And you probably won’t. We haven’t gotten it yet.” Ivan said. He and Norman were quite drunk because they were the ones who were truly going to miss him the most.

“I think perhaps it can be a going away gift. If you all really want to know, my name is Melvin.”

“What?!” They all yelled.

“No way!”

“That isn’t true.”

“Yes, it is. I promise. My name is Robert.”

“Okay, now you’re just messing with us.”

“Did I say Robert, I mean George.”

“Uh huh.”



“Alright, in all honesty, my name is Wang Chung.”

Everyone stopped a little and for a flash the four from earlier pictured the mishap with Dean. Then they all laughed.

“Okay, so we’ll never honestly know, but that’s okay.”

“Alright. If you all really must know, my name is Walter.”

Everyone raised an eye brow but when Pilot didn’t say anything they all knew he was telling the truth.

“Walter. Well it’s an honor Walter.” Rev said.

They all nodded.

“Alright, time for this old man to go to bed.” Pilot got up and started to walk away when suddenly he stopped. “Who didn’t lock the gate.”

“What? The gate’s locked, I did it myself.” Norman said.

“Then explain what that is!” Pilot pointed.

There starting to swarm towards the buildings they were hiding in between, was a group of zombies. And five out of ten didn’t look stupid, they were actually looking for them.

“Oh my…!” Banana began to say as Dean put a hand over her mouth.

“Shhh” He whispered into her ear.

“What are we gonna do? I don’t think any of us brought a weapon with us since we were sure the gate is locked.” Deci whispered to Pilot.

“I swear that I locked it!” Norman said in a elevated whisper.

“I think we should go around back and get into the school to get those guns.” Banana whispered prying Deans hand off her face and glaring at him. “Then maybe go investigate the gate to see if they have mastered the art of lock picking.”

“Well its worth a shot.” Norman said, glad someone at least had the thought of believing him about the gate.

Just then a zombie looked over and saw them. Banana began to freak out and grabbed on to Dean.

“Go! Now!” Pilot whisper yelled.

They didn’t have to be told twice. They all bolted out to behind the school and went through the back. Once they were all inside, they quickly shut and locked the door. Dean looked at Banana who was still latched onto his arm.

“As much as I hate to say this but…. will you let me go now? I think… your fingers are imbedded in my arm.” Dean said to her.

“Oh dear God…. I can’t do this. Can’t there just be no more zombies!” Banana said near hysterics. Everyone looked at her.

“Um, who exactly is this person? What happened to the Banana we all know?” Deci asked.

“What? Just because I am a mean angry fruit all the other times of the day doesn’t mean I can’t have a mental breakdown where there are zombies afoot.” Banana said in her defense.

“Okay. Right. Moving on. We need to get rid of them now.” Deci said pointing to the zombie outside the window pane in the door.

“I say we split up into groups. One group goes to the roof to snipe and then the other group stays down here to kill the other ones.” Pilot suggested.

“And what do we do if they actually break in?” Banana asked frantically.

“Then we all go to the roof and hope for the best.” Pilot said. “I’ll lead the team down stairs, Dean you take your group of people upstairs.”

“Alright.” Dean nodded. “Come on guys.” Dean grabbed Banana’s arm and Deci grabbed Rev’s so they could have a buddy system. At least if they got separated they would have someone else.

They made their way up the stairs to the roof and then peeked over the edge to see what was going on.

“Oh my God, look at how many there are…If they get in we’re never going to make it out of here.” Rev said looking down.

“Oh relax, we have the chopper.” Dean said.

“That doesn’t matter to us! It’s way over there! And we’re HERE on the top of a building! Ugh!” Banana said pacing back and forth.

“Get a hold of yourself!” Dean said putting his hand on each side of her shoulders.

“I do have a hold of myself, what I don’t have a hold of is a way out of here!”

“Don’t worry about it. Everything will be alright. Pilot has got it under control.”

“Are you sure?”

“Banana what has gotten in to you?” Rev asked looking at her.

“Nothing. Just… nothing. I don’t know. It’s like all the sudden we aren’t so lucky anymore and there are zombies everywhere!”
“This is the first time we’ve really-.”

“No! We were stuck on a roof before with zombies when Pilot and them came to save us, and now we’re stuck on a roof again, only the guy who saved us from before is also stuck with us! Who is gonna save us now?!”

“We are gonna save ourselves! So we’re going to be just fine!” Dean yelled at her. “So pull yourself together!”

Banana looked like she was going to either kill him or herself. She then took a deep breath and steadied herself. “Alright. Okay. I’m good. I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. I’m good. I’m good.”

“Alright, then we really need guns.” Rev said.

“Um, I don’t have any guns, do you? Do you just carry guns around in your back pocket like you know, gum or something?” Banana’s hysterical tone was coming back.

“Looooooook. Banana, do you remember the time that we were walking down the road and we heard this strange noise and thought it was like… I don’t know, just something that was going to eat us or whatever. Actually, mugged is more like it, but do you remember that? I actually started running so fast and you grabbed a hold of my arm and then I pretty much carried your ass up the hill?”


“Well that’s like now. I will most likely carry your ass up the hill. Or well… Dean will if I am too busy running for my life.” She smiled.

Banana nodded and then smiled. “Okay, I can do this. Yeah.”

“So about those guns?” Rev asked.

“God damnit!” Everyone shouted.

“So what are we going to do, tell them jokes and laugh them to death?” Rev asked.

“First, good movie…second, stop stealing lines! Third, I have no idea we need to go back down and talk to Pilot or at least find us some guns.”

“Banana and I will stay here and keep a watch out, you guys go back down there and find us some guns.” Deci said.

The men nodded and took off and Deci looked at Banana.

“Are you alright? You look totally strung out. I mean I know that whole Dean thing REALLY made us all lose our brains to insanity but… seriously.”

“No no, it has nothing to do with that, I try to forget that. I’m fine really, I just had a momentary relapse of judgment and such. I’m fine now. Fiiiiiiine.”

“And that ‘fine’ in that tone, does not make me really believe that you’re actually fine.”

“I really am fine. I think it just now actually hit me what’s going on. Before all this there were a few but… this? This is ridiculous.”

“There are a lot of them.” Deci said quietly.

“Yes, and what guns can’t do we’re going to have to improvise. So what do we do?”

“Hopefully we will be able to figure it out.”

Dean and Rev came back with Norman and Ivan. They looked questioningly at them but Dean hushed them.

“Shh. Pilot is going to make a break for the chopper and get us out of here.”

“Do you think that’ll work?” Banana asked.

“I really hope so.” Dean said.

They watched for Pilot and when they saw him he was sneaking on the out skirts of the buildings to the chopper.

“Please make it. Please make it.” Deci was saying under her breath.

It almost worked.

One zombie noticed that there was something going on and he started for Pilot.

“You see that? That one sees him!” Banana said.

“What do we do?” Rev asked.

“Quick, follow my lead.” Norman said walking up to the edge. “HEY! YOU SHIT HEADS!” he yelled.


“YEAH!” Banana threw her fist in the air but wasn’t as enthusiastic.

They were making just enough noise to distract the other zombies from following Pilot, however the one who had caught on before was still after him.

“PILOT THERE IS ONE BEHIND YOU!” Norman was yelling, but they were sure that he couldn’t hear them.

“I can’t believe how many of them there are…” Ivan said looking down. There were so many that when they reached the building they piled up and stretched back out towards the gates.

“Did Pilot shut the bottom door when he went out?” Norman asked Ivan.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see I was up here with you.”

“Well, if I locked the gates and somehow it’s open…we need to check and fast!” Norman and Ivan took off leaving the original four on the roof once again.

“So if this is it… I just want you all to know-.”

“Shut up Rev. This isn’t the end! So don’t talk like that. Get a hold of yourself man!” Banana said.

“Says the girl who was previously freaking out!”

“Well we need to not freak out! We need to just… do something about it!” Banana said.

“Here.” Dean said handing Banana a rifle with a scope. “Snipe as many as you can. You too Dec.” He handed her a rifle also.

“We’re going to have to use these,” Norman said handing other guns without scopes to the men. “No offense or anything ladies but you guys really should use the scope.”

“Oh har har.” Deci said and then went up to the edge to get her sights set on some zombies. “You know? The entire time I played Nazi zombies… I was so good… but where the fuck is a real life thunder gun when you need it?!” She said as she set up.

“What’s a thunder gun?” Dean asked looking over at Rev.

“It’s…a gun…that…blows stuff up sorta?”

“Is it real?” He asked.

“No dude, it’s a video game. Or maybe it’s real and we just don’t know about it.” Rev shrugged.

“PILOT!” Deci screamed for all she was worth and when the men folk ran to the edge what they saw wasn’t what they could have ever dreamed up.

Pilot was running as fast as he could towards the chopper but as it looked now he wasn’t going to make it.

“He’s not gonna make it, what do we do!?” Ivan yelled.

“I don’t know, just start shooting and hoping!” Dean aimed his gun.

There were guns firing from the roof top, six of them, until suddenly Deci realized there were only five guns shooting off. She quickly glanced around and noticed that Banana was missing.

“Where the FUCK IS SHE!?” Dean yelled when he caught on.

“I don’t know, I’m going to go check!” Deci yelled taking off with Rev behind her.

“Keep shooting!” Dean yelled to the others and they fired off their guns some more.

Deci ran as fast as her legs could actually carry her and flew down the stairs that led to the roof. She couldn’t let Banana go crazy on them, not when Pilot needed them most.

“Go back and shoot with them I’ll be fine!” She yelled at Rev.

“No we don’t go anywhere alone! Ain’t that why we’re chasing her?!”

“Ugh, fine come on!”

They ran down the halls looking for her and couldn’t find her.

“Where the hell is she? BANANA!?” She yelled.

“I don’t see her, I don’t even hear anything except-.”

About that time however, just like a bad movie, a window was busted and a zombie was reaching through the broken glass, cutting its arms up, to try and get Rev.

“ARGH!” He pulled up his gun and shot the thing close range, sending blood and guts everywhere.

“We need to get to her now!” Deci ran to the window to see if there were any other zombies around, and when she did she saw Banana bolting faster than she had ever seen her, towards Pilot who had given up trying to tell her to go back and just yelled for her to get to him safely.


Rev looked at her. “Sara?” He asked.

“Yes! SARA!”

“Sara?!” Rev yelled.

“YES GOD DAMNIT! SARA! GET BACK HERE!” Deci yelled loudly. Even for her.

“Yeah…. YEAH! SARA YOU GET BACK HERE!” Rev yelled out the window.

But Banana didn’t go to Pilot. She didn’t make it there because she stopped short of him and turned to face the zombies.

“I can’t believe this, this is a fucked up day. This a really really really fucked up day. Oh God…. I think if we make it through this I’m going to just find an island and go crazy on it.” Rev said nervously.

“Take this you zombie whores! RUN TO THE CHOPPER PILOT!” She screamed.

“What the fuck is she doing, sacrificing herself? WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?!” Rev was yelling but Deci grabbed his arm and pulled him close to her.

Banana held up the Teddy Bear that Pilot had given her and pulled the tab, then threw it as hard as she could. While it wasn’t far because she sucked at throwing, it was far enough for Pilot to run at her, grab her and them bolt to the chopper.


Pilot’s yells to get down were covered by a large explosion that caused an incredible white light and a sound that was high pitched.

“What the hell was that?!” Rev yelled.

“What?!” Deci yelled.


“THE TEDDY BEAR!” She yelled back.

When the smoke settled there were still a few staggering zombies but they fell. The ones who were too far away for the explosion were being taken down one by one from the snipers up stairs.

“We need to get the hell out of here and get back upstairs. Hopefully they made it.” Rev said and drug Deci back up the stairs.

When they got to the roof they heard the sound of an engine and a helicopter lift off.

“They made it I take it?” Norman said loudly over the new sounds.

“Yeah, captain obvious.” Rev said, but only Deci heard it. She was close enough and everyone else was near the edge.

Suddenly they heard rapid firing and the helicopter hovered over the top of the building.

“Banana must have found the gun again!” Dean yelled over the sound. Of course to everyone else it sounded like ‘Banana …ound…gain.’ Because of the shooting.

“We don’t have any supplies or anything! What are we gonna do?!” Deci yelled.

As the helicopter steadied and lowered a ladder, they climbed up and Pilot drove off in to the horizon, where dusk was just now rolling in.