Zombie 2.0 1/2

Fun times in the front seat.

“So…” Rev tilted his head towards Deci. “We need to finish our conversation.”

“What conversation are you talking about?”

“I think you know what one.” He said looking back at the road.

“The one with OJ?”


“Fine. Your talking about the one that we finished back in the cave aren’t you?” She sighed. “I told you I don’t wanna continue this.”

“Well you know what? Your opinion doesn’t count right now. You don’t get it! Not at all. If… my wife were here I would be with her. But you would be the bestest friend I had in the zombie apocalypse. But my wife isn’t here. I… I have no idea how to get it through to you that I care about you and not just because we are here and in this situation. I like your personality. I… your right. This conversation is over. If you don’t get it then… I am not sure if you ever will.” Rev went real quiet.

“Rev… Jimmy. I… You know that I can’t.” Deci stumbled to get that out.

“Look at Banana and Dean, Deci. BANANA for Christ sake is even giving Dean a chance. Sort of. She told him she had feelings for him. And look at them. They are closer now.”

Deci was about to say something but just then Pilot’s truck stopped and pulled into a lot with an abandon house. Their truck followed suit. Rev was the first to get out and walk over to them. Deci instead got out to wake Banana and Dean. When she got around to the back of the truck and lowered the tailgate to see them laying close together.

“Guys.” Deci said shaking both their legs.

“Mmhmm…?” Dean was the first wake up but didn’t even open his eyes. “What?”

“We stopped. Wake Banana and bring her over to the party.” Deci said walking away.
Deci went and joined Rev and the rest of the gang and waited for Dean and Banana to join the group.

“Why did we stop? I thought we still had a ways to go before we put up camp for the night?” Rev asked suspiciously.

Deci raised an eyebrow at him but looked back at Pilot. She was curious as well.

“We are about to run out of transmission fluid. Sprung a leak back a few miles ago but now everything is over heating.”

Rev looked at Deci with a skeptical look.

“I don’t smell anything. I don’t see smoke and we were right behind you and I didn’t see any fluid leaking out on the road.” Deci said.

Pilot looked around. “Well do you want to go check it out then?”

“As a matter of fact-.”

“No we don’t. Rev shut up.” Deci rolled her eyes at him. “So how are you going to fix it?”

“We won’t need much time, Norman is a really good mechanic. He can have it fixed in no time, providing there are the right resources to fix it with.”

“And if there isn’t?” Rev asked.

“Well then we’ll have to make due with what we have.” Pilot said.

Rev looked at Deci. “Just out of curiosity… can you make transmission fluid out of human fluids? Like.. I dunno…blood or… brain matter?”

Deci sighed. “Even if it’s not possible, I’m going to chop you up in a minute anyhow.”

Rev gave her a look and then headed back to the truck so he could explain to the others, who were lazy and didn’t get up, what had happened and why they stopped.

“So do you want to come with us to get supplies?” Norman asked Deci when she just stood there looking after Rev.

“Yeah sure why not.”

They walked up to the garage and Norman handed her a gun. She shook her head and reached into the pocket of her pants and pulled out a gun of her own.

“I never go anywhere without it. Ever.” She said.

“Alright, well that’s cool. Come on let’s have a look in here.”

They first searched around the building to make sure there was no sign of blood stains or brains laying around, then they looked in the windows to see inside and plot out their route.

“Alright the front window is clear.”

“Side window is clear too. I think we can figure out if we head in there. Let’s go.”
Norman and Deci disappeared in to the garage