A Wish from the Heart


John stared at the hospital, his heart breaking when he realized his little girl, the little girl he was getting ready to meet for the first time, was in there fighting for her life.

How could this have happened? He was always careful when he was with a woman, ever since he broke up with Liz that is. He gave her his heart, only to have her tear it in two. He guarded himself since he found her in bed with that guy.

With a sigh he walked through the front doors. With his status as the “face of the WWE,” and his long hours in the hospital working with Make-A-Wish, everyone knew who he was in there.

“Hello Mr. Cena,” the woman behind the desk greeted him. “Here for Make-A-Wish?”

“Yes, and if it’s not to much trouble, this one I would like privacy for,” John replied, leaning against the desk. The woman nodded and made a note of it. “Who are you looking for this visit?”

“Heaven Sears, her mother’s name is Dreama.” John replied.

“Oh yes, poor dear.” the elder woman sighed. She gave John the room information and said goodbye. John made his way to the room, stopping as he reached the end of the hallway. Standing outside of the door was Dreama, talking to a doctor.

“Things don’t seem to be getting any better for her. As a matter of fact it seems to be getting worse. The disease is spreading more and faster than we thought it would.”

“There’s absolutely nothing you can do to slow it down?” Remmy asked, her heart breaking even more.

“We’re trying what we can, but there’s nothing much we can do.” the doctor replied with a sigh. “We’re not called a research hospital for nothing though. We’re looking for ways to help her anyway we can, it might have to include some experimental procedures.” Dreama gasped, never believing things would get that far for them. Experimental procedures wasn’t something Dreama ever wanted her child to go through, and to find out that may be the only thing that could save her daughter’s life, it stabbed her deeply.

She thanked the doctor, knowing he had more rounds to make with other kids. She watched him leave, and a movement caught her attention. Her heart raced as she looked at her ex, the father of her daughter. He still looked good, his eyes as blue as she remembered them. He was as fit as before as well, and his smile was still as dazzling as ever.

“John,” she said, wiping at her tear stained cheeks. “How long have you been standing there?”

“Not long,” He replied in the deep voice she remembered so well. “I just got here.” There was a silence between the two of them as they looked at anything but each other.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” John asked suddenly. “Why didn’t you tell me you was pregnant with my child? That I had a daughter in the world?”

“I don’t know, maybe because you left without so much as a single digit for a phone number,” Remmy replied. “Or the fact that you told me, quite specifically, that you never want to see me again.”

“I was drunk when I said that Remmy. I love you damn it, why would I want you out of my life?”

“I don’t know John, but what I do know is right now there is a little girl in there wanting to meet her father, when really she’s going to be meeting her favorite wrestler, her hero, at the same damn time. Let’s just get this over with John. This is how it’s gonna work, you’re going to go in there, meet her, whatever, then you’re never going to see her again.”

“Yeah, I don’t think so Dreama. I’m not missing out on my daughter’s life just because you don’t want to be reminded of what you left behind. For fuck’s sake Dreama, we’re in fucking St. Jude’s Hospital because that little girl in there is dying, and her one wish was to meet me. I’m not losing her so soon after finding her.”

“That’s not up to you, I’ve been raising her for the past four years on my own Jonathan…”

“That was all you, that had nothing to do with me,” John growled. “If you would of told me about her, then you wouldn’t of been fighting this alone.”

“Let’s just get this over with, so you can go on back to your life and I can get back on with mine.”

“No, not until you at least tell me why you didn’t tell me about her, why you were willing to let a little girl go so damn long without knowing her father, when you know yourself how important a father is to a child. Do you have to be reminded how your father abandoned you and your mother? How much your mother struggled to raise you and work so she could buy you clothes and food?”

“Shut up!” Dreama snapped, feeling her heart break at the memory of watching her father leave. “You have no idea what my life was like Jonathan Felix, so don’t even bring that up to me!”

“I know because you told me over and over again how much it killed you to watch him go! You told me how much you hated to see your mother working herself to death to take care of you.”

“I might of told you that Cena, but for all you know I could have been lying to make you feel sorry for me.” Dreama pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

“If you would swoop that low, then I don’t think our daughter should be around you.” John replied back, meeting her challenge with one of his own.

“You wouldn’t,” she said, her eyes growing wide with fear. She didn’t know him as well as she did four years ago, for all she knew he just might try to take Heaven away from her.

“Try me,” John said. “I’m not going in there until you give me your word that after this is over, I’m allowed in my daughter’s life.”

“You would disappoint a four year old over that?” Dreama asked, though she really knew the answer.

“No, you would be disappointing a four year old for promising her that she would meet her father. She’ll probably think I was too busy or they couldn’t get a hold of me to do it, this will all come back on you.”

“Fine, you can be part of her life, but on my terms.” Dreama groaned.

“Fine, enjoy our daughter’s cold shoulder,” John said, starting to walk down the hallway toward the elevators.

“John!” Dreama called, running down the hallway. “We’ll talk about it later, just, don’t let her down John, please don’t let her down.”

“I’m not going to let her down, I wouldn’t do that to my daughter.” John said, turning to face her fully. He followed her back to the door, and into the room.

His heart broke, and all arguments that happened outside in the hallway disappeared when he saw the little girl, looking way too fragile, laying in the bed way to big for her. Her eyes were dark and sunken, way too much so for a four year old. Her face was pale and gaunt, and it was more than apparent she was only getting worse.

“That’s her?” John asked. Dreama nodded, tears filling her eyes as she looked at the little girl sleeping in the bed. “She so small, so fragile,” he said.

“She’s been sick a long time John,” Dreama admitted.

“I still can’t believe this is happening,” John admitted to her after a few minutes of silence. He walked up to the bed, Remmy right beside him.

“Heaven, honey wake up, there’s someone here to see you.” Dreama whispered softly to the girl. Heaven’s eyes opened slowly, and John’s heart raced when he realized they were the exact same shade of blue his own eyes are.

“John Cena?” Heaven asked, confused. “You came to see me?”

“Yes, I did,” John answered her.

“Why?” John looked at Dreama, waiting for her to answer.

“He’s here Heaven, because he’s filling your wish. Remember, you made a wish to meet your Daddy, that’s why he’s here. He’s your Daddy Heaven.”
John watched as the girl’s eyes grew wide with shock, wonder, surprise, and happiness.

“He is? How?”

“We’ll explain that one later baby,” Dreama said quickly. “But yes, he’s your father.”
Heaven crawled over to where John was sitting on the bed and into his lap.

“Why didn’t you ever come over? Didn’t you want to meet me?” Heaven asked, looking up at him with sad blue eyes.

“Honey, I would have been here, but I was really busy.” John said, not wanting to make Dreama out to be a bad person, especially to her own daughter. He said a lot of things to her in the hallway, but most of the stuff he threatened he wouldn’t do.

He noticed the relieved look on Dreama’s face, and sent her a small wink.

“You stay?” Heaven asked.

“Daddy and I have to talk Heaven, but I know he won’t leave you again.” Dreama assured her. Heaven nodded and laid her head on John’s chest, just over his heart. The dull lullaby of his heart beat lulled her back to sleep.
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update, I think it's a short one, but since the next one is the last one, it will probably be longer.
thank you ShadowsFiction for commenting. You rock and are super awesome. :D
next one will be up as soon as I can get it. :D