Status: Currently Writing part Six of this Story, Editing to be followed after all writing is completed

Let Your Color's Burn

Part Two

“You’re a fucking worthless Slut,” his father’s words echoed through the house as he screamed piss ass drunk at Jake’s mother for the millionth time. With disgust on his face Jake pulled his little sisters into his arms and whispered words of encouragement to them as World War Three waged in the room down the hall. For as long as he could remember, every night his father would pull out bottle after bottle until he could no longer think straight; his mother ending up with a bruise or two was no secret and the typical outcome of the arguments that usually centered around what she did or didn’t do.

“Shhh, Katie it’s going to be alright honey. Don’t cry,” his youngest sister hated the evenings at home, and it broke his twelve year old heart.

“Chris please, the kids are still awake.” His mother’s voice was strained from her own tears, “Here is another beer baby, your favorite team is going to be playing soon.” It was a pitiful attempt to redirect his attention and everyone in the house knew it wasn’t going to do her much worth.

“Damn it Amy, this is the wrong fucking kind of beer! You know I only drink Coors. How fucking dare you buy this shit, what were you doing at the store? Screwing the cashier? Or did you even get to the store?” Jake heard the slap that struck his mother’s face.

“Chris, you know I would never do that. I just picked up what was on sale. The store isn’t doing very well in the economy right now, we needed to save the money.” Even in his youth, Jake knew that wasn’t going to save his mother either.

<i> “God why does she stay with him. He isn’t worth a second of her time, that bastard.” </i>

His mother screamed as the man who ruled the house grabbed her by the hair and Katie burst into a fresh batch of tears.

The night faded as he fell asleep under the bed to Katie’s tears and his nightmares.


It had been a week since their last fight, his mother had been hiding from him. She claimed she was working long shifts and Jake believed her; the only problem was the bastard Chris didn’t. Each night he drank more and more waiting for the mother of his children to come home so he could rage at her. Thankfully, he was usually asleep from his alcohol consumption.

They all knew it wouldn’t last long.


True to their feelings, Amy’s schedule changed and she started working mornings at the store instead of closing. Chris was drinking heavier than normal, shooting whiskey instead of his typical beer.

<i> When was the last time this idiots had a bath? </i> Jake thought to himself as he gave Chris yet another shot. Anything to appease the violent man his mother forced him to be kind to.

He had given Chris the last of the bottle as Amy walked in the door, late. In the height of rage Chris rose from his chair, “Where the fucking hell have you been cunt?” He smelled of sweat and liquor, a nasty combination that went along with the tobacco that he dipped and had tucked into his lip. “Don’t answer that, I already know. What was his name this time? I know it wasn’t Chris, because that is the name of the man you refuse to fuck. Well that is going to end tonight slut. I’m tired of waiting.”

He lunged at Amy and she ran towards the back of the house. They passed Katie, who got in the way and tripped Chris. He reached back and slapped her, “Fucking bitch, you’ll pay for that later.”

Then he ran after Amy again, only to meet the bathroom door.

Katie ran to Jake and fell apart in his arms. Rage suddenly rolled through the younger man. <i> We are not dirt to be beated and walked over. This has to stop. </i>

He held his little sister as Chris pounded on the bathroom door, in his drunken stupor he forgot about the secondary door to the bathroom that Jake and his sisters shared. His memory lapse was momentary and his mind jogged when Amy came flying out of the second bathroom door and headed towards the kitchen. She had grabbed the phone but was only able to dial a 9 before Chris was there and snatched the phone out of her hands.

Jake heard his mother scream and it was echoed by his sisters’ voices crying and screaming in terror. “Shut the Fuck up sluts.” He could hear Chris raging in the kitchen at them all and it disgusted him.

<i> Fuck this shit. </i> It was his last thought as Jake rose and ran into the kitchen as fast as his feet could take him. He attacked Chris with the viciousness born of a son who hated his father. “Leave her the fuck alone,” he screamed as he slammed his smaller fist into his father’s face. “We don’t need you, want you, care about you, or love you. LEAVE.” Each word was punctuated by a blow. Jake had never fought anyone before and his mother tried to pull him back.


It was the last time he or his siblings saw his father or mother. His father left in a police car and his mother gave her children up to the government. They were supposedly going to a foster home with “good people.” <i> It’s over, it’s finally over. </i> He kissed his sisters’ foreheads and wrapped his gangly arms around them as they headed to the beginning of their new lives.
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This is part two of the Let Your Color’s Burn Series. Written to display the feelings of an abused young man and the courage it takes to stand up to his own father. I haven’t edited this particular part just yet so go easy on the critiques :).