5 Minutes Alone


I brought the coffee to my lips and winched as it burned my throat. It was colder in California, now that it’s December. I ran my hand along the piano keys again and began to play.
Now I think I understand how this world can overcome a man, I sang. It was an old Pinkly Smooth song I wanted to finish off for the new album though it was unfinished. My throat was still scratchy from the night before, but I decided I won’t let this hangover get the best of me. My phone started to vibrate on top of the piano, I glanced at the caller ID. It was Matt.
“I just want to run new parts of some demos over with you,”
“I’m in the middle of something actually, call me back?”
“See ya tomorrow then Jimmy.”
I switched a few lyrics around and fiddled some more with the piano until I got it. But something didn’t feel right. I thought of Zacky’s party a few weeks ago, it was the first time in a long time I didn’t drink at someone’s house and I think everyone noticed that. I refused everyone’s offers when they tried to give me a bottle of champagne or Jack. It was pouring with rain that day in California. I stayed until the early hours of the morning with Zack, messing around with the piano and singing and still I hadn’t had one drink. It was a calm night. I left earlier than I would of, Zacky phoned me after I left, telling me I left my jacket - my all time favourite jacket. I remember hanging it on his coat hanger. I told him it was okay and hung up, because it was okay. It was a strange night, but then, I have been feeling strange for a while now, mostly because I didn't have to wear my glasses anymore and have been concentrating on the next record.
I sighed and scribbled some lyrics out, and replaced them, it felt right then.
I know you’ll find your own way, when I’m not with you tonight.
It was finally the song I slaved over. It was a special song, it held something. Death I named it.

I recorded the different parts of it for a rough demo. My voice sounded tired, worn out and the piano sounded haunting. It was fitting.
My phone went again, and again it was Matt.
“I said go away, Matt!” I laughed.
“But you’ve gotta hear this Jim!” he pleaded.
“Go away Matt. It’s Christmas Eve! Go on, fuck off!” I hung up. The man never stopped. We’re all excited about this album. It’s the whole concept of it. It’ll be something to the kids.
I can’t wait to spend tomorrow with everyone, though I’ll have to shave my beard before my sisters kill me, plus I couldn’t wait to get out touring again, it’s nice as it is being at home, but getting behind my kit again will feel awesome.

I smiled for the photo, wrapping my arm around my sister. My dad jumped in front of the camera quickly before the camera flashed. I had spent the day with my family, friends and beardless.
“No, I won’t be having a drink, I’m gunna drive over to the studio and hand in a demo, but merry Christmas everyone!” I told my mother. I hugged everyone goodbye and phoned Brian.
“Yeah, I’m just going over to the studio to leave a demo in, I’ll see you again in about two days? Party at mine, remember?” I wished him a happy Christmas and jumped into my Friday car. I left the demo in the studio and drove home, I’d be spending the night with Leana.

Sitting in our old garage, I listened to the guys talk about the album, Brian talking over Johnny and Matt rambling. Zacky and I stayed quiet until everything died down.
“The concept’s great! Religion, war, the education system, it’s-”
“Maybe we could make it a little heavier, it’s completely different from the one before and-”
“Look, guys, come on,” Zacky started, but before he could get a word in, Matt jumped up.
“Oh yeah! Jim I’ve got to show you the new demos!” I shrugged my shoulders, we were all definitely excited. I sat beside Matt who was on the computer. I listened as it started off a little creepy, then the drums kicked in heavily and the guitars. I can tell why Matt was so excited.
“Man, this is some cool shit,” I smiled, and turned back to the rest of them who were beginning to talk about the lyrics to a song we might name God Hates Us.
“Yeah, go for it, it sounds fucking awesome man, can you picture everyone’s faces?!” I beamed.
This is what I couldn’t wait for.


There was a promise that there would be no talk about the record today, but considering the excitement, that promise would be broken. I held the door open to my house as people piled in. There was alcohol everywhere, and many of my friends, but it was a party and parties are meant to be fun!
“I can’t believe it’s nearly 2010!” Jason Berry said, opening himself a can of Bud. I nodded and drank some more. 2010 can wait.
“You’ll be twenty nine soon Jimmy! Damn you’re getting old, nearly thirty!” Johnny laughed. I picked him up and threw him onto my couch, and drank his beer.
“At least I’m not thirty inches tall!” I cackled and ran off.
It was nice, emerging from being a slight hermit and having a few drinks with all my friends. My head was starting to pound and my eyes were starting to get sore. I ignored it and went back to talk to the Berrys who were equally as excited about the record. Brian quickly joined the conversation. Everything was coming along nicely.
“Where’s Matt?” I asked Val who was chatting with Zacky.
“He’s just a few hours away, he’s sorry he couldn’t make it,” she told me.
The night was coming to an end, and everyone began to leave. I wished everyone a safe drive home and returned to my bedroom. I found my medication for my eye surgery and squeezed them out. I’ve been experimenting lately with different stuff, considering I don’t take any illegal drugs anymore. I popped them into my mouth and took a swing of vodka. I felt slightly drowsy and went to lay down. I fell into a light sleep, but the high didn’t last long.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is for this contest.

First thing I've written in a while. Almost killed me.

EDIT 28.12.12:
So it's 01:26AM in my country right now, making it the 28th of December and I went back to read this. I edited it slightly (just spelling really) and decided to post it again. I wrote it 2 years ago and it's not great but it's obviously fitting for the day. Also, I don't think the image in the layout is working, it's the same image as the default picture and I have no idea how to fix it sadly.

R.I.P Jimmy Sullivan, it's still surreal.