Status: Finished :]

Hiding it from daddy.. One-Shot

Scott Steiner (Request)

"Now please welcome the new member of the Main Event Mafia....Ashley" Kurt said while I walked out looking at my father Sting. Then I looked at the man who I was deeply in love with and the man who I was dating, Scott Steiner. But no one knows except for us. We are dating secretly because Scott is older than me, and I'm afraid that no one will approve because of our age difference especially my dad. But Scott is OK with it, me and him talked about how sexy it sounds about have a secret relationship anyways. Cause it makes us feel dangerous lol. But anyways as I walk down the ramp I looked straight and Scott and he smiled really big at me and mouthed the words "I love you" I just smiled really big because I couldn't do it back because everyone eyes were on me. Anyways I finally reached the ring and I walked up the steps then Scott walked over to the ropes and held them for me. After I was done entering the ring I turned around and embraced him in a hug.

Then while we were hugging Scott whispered in my ear "Congratulations I love you Ashley"

"Thank You I love you to Scott" I whispered back then we pulled away and smiled at each other.

Then I went to each MEM member and hugged them then I came around to my dad I gave him a big hug and he whispered in my ear
"Congratulations honey, and welcome to the Main Event Mafia"

"Thanks daddy" i whispered back and smiled the biggest smile. Then Kurt started to speak "Congratulations Ashley on being the new part of the Main Event Mafia" he said while smiling at me.

"Thank You Kurt I am honored to be a part of the Main Event Mafia now!"

Then all of a sudden ODB's music hit. And she stood at the top of the ramp with a microphone and of course her flask, then she started to talk.

"Ashley your the new BIG knockout who was joining the MEM?" she asked then i nodded.

"Well honey I am on the Frontline and since miss little priss over there" she said while pointing at Sharmell "Doesn't wrestle and since you do and also since your the knockouts champion why don't you and I compete in a match tonight for the Knockouts Championship?" ODB offered then I looked down at my title while the whole gang is telling me no its a big risk i just raise my hand for them to be quiet and grab the microphone from Kurt and answer her....
"Yes!" I said then I held up my title then my theme song started then the whole gang came around and hugged me one more time. Then I left the ring and went backstage then all of a sudden i heard my name being called then I turned around and saw it was Scott I smiled a big smile and finally he reached me. And he pulled me into the most romantic kiss but I had to push him away.

"Scott no we cant someone might catch us" I said as i playfully slapped him

"I don't care baby I just wanna kiss you right now" he said leaning in for another kiss

"No Scott we cant" I said pushing him away again

"OK fine we don't have to I just wanna show you i love you OK?" he asked pulling me into a hug

"Yeah but I know you love me and I love you to" I said smiling at him and stealing a quick peck.

"Baby you did great out there you looked amazing and taking on ODB's challenge good job" Scott said

"Oh thanks baby but are you going out with me or what?" I asked him

"Umm I think your father and I are because Booker and Kurt have a match and I think Kevin is going out with them" he told me

"OK baby thanks but I gotta go and get changed OK?" I asked him

"Yeah babe OK bye I love you" he answered me while pecking me really quick.

Then I gave him one last wave and walked into my lockeroom. I grabbed my stuff and changed into my ring gear. Then right after I was done there was a knock on my door. "Come in" I said

"Hey honey" it was my dad Sting then Scott came in right after my father which brought a smile to my face.

"Hey daddy, hey Scott" I said hugging my dad and waving to Scott

"Hey Ash" Scott said smiling at me.

"You ready to go honey?" my dad asked me

"Yeah lets go boys" i said while joining arms with my father and Scott and we walked out of my lockeroom and walked down the hallway to the entrance and as we got there ODB was doing her entrance then my theme hit which is perfect world by simple plan.

I walked out of the entrance with my title around my waist with my father and Scott behind me.

Then the announcer introduced me"Coming down to the ring from Philadelphia, PA and a weight of 140 pounds Ashley!" Then I stood at the top of the entrance and looked down at my title with my dad and Scott on each side of me and I pointed at my title and pointed to ODB and shook my head no and smirked then I walked down the ramp with my dad and Scott following and then we all entered the ring then I jumped on the top turnbuckle and took my title off my waist and threw it up in the air and smiled.

Then I jumped down and handed the ref my title while my dad and Scott went to the outside of the ring . Then the ref held up the title and then he handed to one of the girls outside of the ring and then he rang the bell. Then all of sudden me and ODB locked up.

~Fast Forward to the end of the match~

Me and ODB were battling it out on the top turnbuckle and she was sitting on it and I was standing above her hitting her then I climbed on the top rope and all of a sudden I performed one of Scott's moves the Frankensteiner. Then when she was on the ground I put her in the Scorpion Deathlock and all I heard was ODB screaming on top of my father and Scott cheering me on the outside of the ring. Then all of a sudden ODB started tapping out. Then I let her go and the ref checked on her then my dad and Scott came in side the ring and hugged me then the ref handed me my title and raised my arm but then Scott waved the ref off and grabbed my arm. Then the announcer announced my name "The winner and Still Knockouts Champion.." but then ODB grabbed the mic and interrupted the announcer.

"Hey you think your so great?" she asked me then I nodded and smirked.

"Well honey you might have beat me and you still might have your title but I have something on you, and I'm ready to let your secret out!" she said which scared me and I looked at Scott scared and he looked at me to and he came by me putting his hand on my back trying to say everything will be OK. Then my dad came over to me.

"Ashley what is she talking about?" he asked me

"Well Stinger you wanna know a little secret about your daughter?" she asked my father and I went to the ropes and pointed at her then i yelled.

"DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!!!!" she just smirked and continued on.

"Well honey this is what you get, hey Sting did you know your little girl was running around and seeing that guy right there, behind your back?" she said while pointing at Scott as she asked my dad.

I looked at him and my dad looked at me and asked "Ashley is she serious is this true?"

All i could do was look from my father to Scott's worrying face. And then next thing I knew I felt a tear roll down my cheek.

Then ODB started speaking again, oh how much I wanted to kill her right now.

"Oh yeah Sting I'm telling the truth, and here's some proof" she said while pointing to the screen.

Then from what I saw on the screen made my jaw drop. It was earlier when me and Scott were in the hallway when I was walking back to my lockeroom. Then after the clip was over with all my dad could do was just stand there and look at the screen.

"Well I guess my work is done here good luck with this honey!" she told me.

All I wanted to do right now was just crawl up in a little ball of tears and die and also run after ODB and kick the living crap out of her.

Then my dad left the ring all of a sudden and he was walking up the ramp. I couldn't let him get away with this without an explanation. So I asked the announcer person for the mic and started to speak.

"Dad don't go, wait!" I yelled into the mic while in tears and then he turned around looking at me then he took his sunglasses off and he was crying to i don't know why though.

"Please come back in here?" I asked so then he started to get back in the ring and he just stood there waiting for me to speak

"I'm sorry dad I should of told you but i was scared I know you would be mad at me and Scott" I said while pointing at him and all he could do was nod he was in awe at the moment.

"Because he was to old I knew that you wouldn't be OK with it"I said. I was gonna go on but my dad yanked the mic out of my hand and started to speak well yell.

"Age difference? no Ash I trust Scott hes a good guy. And I'm not mad I'm sad, I'm sad at the fact that you didn't tell me you didn't have to keep this hidden I want you to be open with me I don't want to be worried about having to sneak around because of you being worried about what I think your my daughter my little girl your getting older you can date whoever you want its your choice your 25 years old your old enough to make your own decisions. All I ask from you is to be open about things please?" he asked, after his long lecture that brought me to more tears.

Then I took the mic back and started to speak.

"OK I will dad and I'm sorry I should have been open with you I was just scared that you weren't going to understand. So Dad Scott and I are together we have been for a while now and dad We love eachother I'm in love with him" I said while looking at Scott and smiling.

"OK sweetheart if that's what you want than I'm OK with it" My Dad said then all I did was just attack him in a big hug then after I let go of him I turned around and gave Scott the biggest hug ever then I pulled away and pulled him into the most passionate kiss ever.

Then right after we pulled away after a very long kiss I whispered "I love you" Then he whispered back "I love you to I will always love you Ash!"