Sequel: Camille
Status: Complete.

Dear God


Blaine was doing his now routinely check of Dawn’s room when he got home. She was still at her friend’s house, giving him the perfect opportunity for it. It may have been an invasion of privacy but so many things popped out of nowhere whenever he was in here, it was like some sort of scavenger hunt. He smirked, knowing exactly where to check first. He kneeled down and slid his hand beneath the mattress and pulled out a piece of pink, folded paper. Before he had the chance to read it, he heard the front door open and quickly slipped the note into his pocket and left. Unfortunately he was leaving when Dawn was coming in.

“What were you doing in my room?”

“Oh I was just looking for a pen” He lied, smoothly.

She gave him a suspicious glance but said nothing of it.


Dear God,

I overheard parts of what the doctor was saying at my last appointment but not all of it, they never tell me what they say. Yesterday, while I was pretending to be asleep on the couch, mummy and daddy were talking and they said that I was dying. They said that my condition was getting worse and the doctors might not be able to help me anymore so I made a list of things to do before I die, so I don’t regret not living.



Blaine clenched his fists. He was furious. He stalked down the stairs and was going to demand for an explanation.


“Blaine don’t yell” She replied calmly.

“Why the hell wouldn’t you tell me about dawn?”

Her eyes widened in shock, she was completely taken aback.

“Don’t use that tone with your mother” His dad warned, coming into the kitchen.

“How did you find out?” She whispered.

“Not from you” He hissed, utterly outraged.

“Blaine please, calm down. Dawn’s upstairs and might hear you”

He laughed with no humour, “You really believe she’s that dumb?”

“Blaine. That’s enough”

“You really think she doesn’t know?”

“Blaine. Go to your room”

“Why? So you can-“

“Now” He ordered in a harsh tone.


Dawn woke up the next morning when the sun penetrated her room. She squeezed her eyes shut, not wanting to get up. She could hear the yelling yesterday and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t block it out. She swung her legs and got down but tripped over a body. There was someone on her floor. There was someone sleeping on the floor next to her bed.

Blaine lay there with his pillow and blanket sleeping peacefully on her carpeted floor. She had to blink a few times to make sure she wasn’t just seeing things.
Blaine tossed on to his side, mumbling incoherently in his sleep. Last night after a raging argument, he marched back upstairs in his room. His mum stood outside wanting to explain and sobbing her eyes out but it was no use. He looked his door and sat in front of it for good measures. He tried to go to bed but he couldn’t so impulsively to seek comfort in his little sister’s room. He was supposed to be keeping her nightmares away, not the other way around.
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It's been a while since ive done a double update eh?