Welcome to the Bishie Corner

The form

You let out a sigh as your boots made a soft crunch in the fresh, soft snow that covered the large shopping area that you were in. Christmas had, once again, come quicker than you expected and that meant that now you were last minute Christmas shopping. Even though it was quite late, the whole street was still bustling with excitement and cheer for the new holiday year. Everyone who entered the place felt the warm, joyful atmosphere that seems to overshadow the dreary cold.

Well everyone except you, of course. Not to get the wrong idea, you loved Christmas and everything that comes with it well, almost everything. The only bad thing that happens during your holiday cheer is that you have to visit your embarrassing family and I don’t mean the normal family embarrass, oh no, yours go to the extreme, to where you couldn’t stand being near them and that is why you are here now, you would like to prolong your visit as long as possible, even if that meant standing outside in the cold.

You stopped for a quick second and rubbed your arms against your winter clad body trying to keep yourself warm in this insane weather. You breathed out needed air, seeing that once it hit the chilled air, it was visible.

“Well, at least this can’t get any worse, right?”

As if to contradict your question, Mother Nature decided she would make it snow even harder.

You face palmed you should have known this would happen. Since the weather was becoming too much to bear you ducked into the nearest shop you could find.

You quickly shut the door the large shop thankful for the warmth. You [e/c] eyes began to scan around the quaint shop seeing that it was well lit and had a yellow-orange glow around the entire store. You also noted that it was aptly decorated for the occasion, garland hung from the bookshelves, rafters, and all sorts of high places. A rather large Christmas tree was in the right hand corner of the shop, it was decorated with all sorts of things, from glass colored balls, to lights, and all sorts of things, some you had never seen before. In the center of the shop sat two leather armchairs and a couch, in the middle of these two furniture pieces was a rather large coffee table. All three of these were faced towards a cozy fireplace.

You were so transfixed on the detail of the large shop you hadn’t noticed that someone had crept up behind you.

“Why, Hello there~!”

This sudden voice made you jump out of your skin and also scream. You whirled around to see a small brunette grinning up at you with her be speckled blue eyes [1]. You gave the female a look over. She was quite small; if you had to put a number on her you would say about 4’11”, her clothes were very festive; she was wearing a green, white, and red sweater decorated in snowflakes the sleeves were so long that they covered her petite, white hands. She also wore black fabric pants and cute little boots. Her features were very adorable down to her bright blue eyes, her short brown hair, and her cheery smile. Overall, she was a cute, adorable girl and yet you wondered why she was in this rather large store. Was she lost?

“Um hello little girl… Have you lost your way?” you questioned concerned.

The female only stared at you funny before busting out in a fit of laughter. You could only look confused, what was so funny?

The small brunette, after calming down a bit, rubbed a few tears away and explained.

“Ah, I’m sorry… I guess I should explain; I’m the owner of the store ♥~” she told you with a cute wink.

You could only blink your [e/c] eyes at her. She couldn’t be
serious! She looked like an elementary school student for Pete’s sake!

Said female watched you carefully with her head tilted in a cute way.

“You don’t believe me, do you?”

“N-not really… it’s hard to grasp…”

“Haha don’t worry; I get it all the time…” she told you while flashing you a wide grin.

Before you could answer she directed you over to the cozy sitting area that you were observing not to long ago. She sat in one of the armchairs and you sitting adjacent from her in the other.

“So, what brings you my shop?~”

“Uh… I just ducked into the nearest shop to get out of the cold actually…”

“Yeah it’s pretty bad out there…”

Before you could reply her face lit up.

“Oh I know! You could fill out an order form while you wait~!”

You tilted your head in confusion as you watched the brunette scrounge her way through all sorts of things looking for her order forms.

“Aha! Here you are~!” she quickly moved back to where you both were sitting and handed you a stack of papers.

You glanced down at the papers quickly then back up at the now (once again) grinning female.

“I couldn’t possibly…”

“Sure you can~ don’t worry since this your first purchase, its free!”

Wait, whoa first what in the world makes her think you’ll come back, especially if you have to pay next go ‘round?

You shrugged it was free after all, what could happen?

Welcome to Tentail’s Holiday Bishe Corner:

Where all your holiday fantasies come true ♥~©

[Start copying~]

Now to start: where is your guy from? [Please check all that apply]

[] Kuroshitsuji/Kuorshitsji II

[] Soul Eater

[] Axis Powers: Hetalia

[] Naruto/Naruto Shippuden

[] Code Geass

[] Yu- Gi- Oh!

[] FMA/FMA: Brotherhood

[] Death Note

[] Bleach

[] Ouran High School Host Club

[] Vampire Knight

[] Absolute Boyfriend

[] The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya

[] Inuyasha

[] Alice in the Country of Hearts

Not here? That’s alright! Just ask the owner if she will order yours for you!

Next: Your details

Name (can be real or fake):

Brief Description of yourself:


Days (1-7)[2]:

Activities (one for each guy, if you have more than one that is and be creative~)[3] :

Other specifications:

[Stop copying~]

Thank you for your order! You will get a conformation “letter” when it is shipped!

The owner,

Kay-chan a.k.a. Tentailedfox

P.S. Have any questions? Ask the girl herself! http://member.mibba.com/176778/


1 Yes this is me :D

2 This just means the number of drabbles

3 Prompts