Status: Completed (:

My Little Princess


Our picnic came to a slow ending; the sun was setting slowly in the summer sky, the clouds looked as if they were a pale pink, and the blue sky was now burning a golden haze. The day had ended perfectly.

Jack was now lying on his back and watching as the cherry blossom pink clouds floated above our heads, his head was laying on my leg and his hand caressed my own. I watched out intertwined hands laying on his chest, and scrunched my nose at the tickling sensation running through my hand. I've never been alone with a guy like this. To be quite honest I've never been with a guy at all.

"Annabell..." I heard him whisper softly. "I'm not as perfect as you believe I am. Frankly, I'm nowhere near as to the guy you believe me to be. I'm not the prince you've been seeking, and I won't ever be the adequate guy for you. My past is full of shameful sins and I'll never be equivalent to you. You shouldn't waste your time on me, but I'll gladly fall to my knees to ask you to take a chance with me; You have to wake up though."

I looked down at him, and I could feel my eyebrows furrow in confusion at the last part of his speech, "Jack, you're speaking crazy. You don't have to get on your knees to prove anything to me, and of course I'll give you a chance." I saw his mouth slightly smile, and I knew then that everything would be fine; well at least for the moment.

Jack sat up slowly, faced me, and opened his mouth to speak. "When I was younger I wasn't like the guy I am today. I partook in a fair amount of drugs, alcohol, sex, and infamous tasks. I've grown up, and I truly believe it's because of you. The change in my personal behavior began the first time I saw you..."

I didn't know what to say. I wasn't even sure what he meant by it.

"Jack, everything is fine. Don't worry. Everything is fine." The thought that forced its way into the front of my mind was 'I don't think he can hear me'

I looked up at the horizon across the water one last time, and turned my head up and looked at the dusky, star-filled sky; I made a wish upon the moon and stars. I wished that this would never end.

The last thought that night as I parted with Jack and told him I would see him tomorrow was that all perfect stories come to an end, and I was going to have to find a way to postpone my ending.