Status: completed!

Be Free With Me

Ten years before this story takes place, magical creatures were given their rights, the same rights that humans have enjoyed and taken advantage of for many years before. Many of these creatures are still escaping servant hood, and that is where Coyotl comes in.

Coyotle is a shape shifter who loves helping others. He lives in a mansion where escapee magical creatures can go and not worry about persecution. He gets them back on their feet, and ready for a new life in this new world.

Esseker is Coyotl's friend, and a demon who for thousands of years has lived alone in solitude. He lives across from Coyotl.

Cualli is a neko Coyotl was helping, but his house becomes filled to capacity, and he must send some of his rescue creatures to Esseker's house, across the street, or risk having to throw out all the creatures he has helped/is helping.

The story is told in Esseker's point of view.

*picture above is Cualli in his cat form*

Disclaimer! I don't own any photos, but the story is mine. If you steal, I'll bite you and never let go until the appendage falls off. Yes, that is a promise.