I Make You Want to Scream

Birth control

Madalines POV

I smiled to myself as Matt exited the room. He truly is dreamy, he always has been since I met him, back when Zack was a junior I believe.

“Come on Maddz!” I heard Zack yell from the kitchen. I snapped out of my trance and walked down to the kitchen, ignoring the guys I reached in the medicine cabinet for my pills. I grabbed a cup of water and took one pill out of the bottle.

“What’s that for Maddy?” I heard Johnny ask, he’s the only one that calls me that and I HATE it. I turned around and the guys were all sitting around the table eating breakfast but stopped to watch me.

“Its just a prescription.” I said rolling my eyes.

“What’s it called?” Brian asked. I rolled my eyes and took it and looked at him.


“What the fuck is Yaz?” Johnny said.

“Birth control.” Jimmy said looking up from the newspaper he was reading, I assumed. I glared at him and then looked at Zack. He raised his eyebrow and looked at me and then narrowed his eyes at the boys.

“Birth control? Okay which one of you assholes are banging my sister .” Zack nearly yelled. I laughed at his stupidity and then scoffed. He gave me a look very confused as the other guys too.

“Zack, I am NOT fucking any of your friends and you guys are like 5-6 years older than me. That would be considered rape by law since I'm only 17 hoe. And plus none of you guys are hot enough to bang.” I said. Liar. You know you want Matthew Sanders over there.

“Just because we are older doesn’t mean that you wont bang us. For all Zack knows is that you could be fucking me.” Matt laughed. I rolled my eyes and snatched a sausage of his plate walking out.

“Lets go Matthew!” I yelled waiting for him outside at his black Mercedes.

“DON’T CALL ME MATTHEW!” he whined getting in the car. I smiled sweetly and got in the passenger seat. We drove down the road for about 5 minutes in silence until I decided to ask.

“So Matt, what the hell was that at breakfast?” I smirked at him. He looked at me and smiled.

“Come on you know you want this.” he said, gesturing to himself like this morning.

“Yea, right, just as much as you want this.” I mocked him and then gesturing to myself laughing.

“Well I cant help that your beautiful, sue me for not controlling myself.” he smirked. I immediately stopped laughing and looked straight ahead at the road. What the hell did he just say?

“Maddz!” he snapped his fingers in my face while we were at a stoplight.

“Uh what? I'm sorry Matt I spaced out.” I said dumbly and looked out the window at the passing buildings. Where the hell is my school at? Matt pulled a hand off the steering wheel and laced his fingers with mine.

“Matt?” I looked at him in confusion as he finally pulled up to the front of the building.

“Yes?” he said leaning in forward to me, inches away from my face. It was until now I noticed his lip piercing really and his lovely eyes.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“Something I wish I could have always done.” he said leaning in more and brushing his soft lips against mine. At first my eyes widened and then went back to normal as I returned his kiss passionately. He licked the bottom of my lip begging for entrance, I allowed it by opening my mouth a little letting his tongue twine with mine. I suddenly stopped and pulled away.

“What’s wrong Maddz?” he asked me turning my head to face him.

“Matt, we cant.” .

“Why not?”

“Because…Zacky, and then- how old you are and I am.” I said, looking down and playing with my bracelets and then out the window.

“Well what Zachary doesn’t know cant hurt him right?” he smiled and kissed my cheek moving down to my neck and sucking lightly letting me slip out a soft moan.

“You like that huh?” he smirked and kept doing it over. I bit my bottom lip and nodded. He did it once more and was heading for a another round.

“Don’t tease me!” I whined and opened the car door but he grabbed me and spun me around to him and kissed me passionately on the lips. I pulled away and looked at him.

“You are going to be late.” he smiled and let me go. I turned around put my feet out the door onto the ground and looked at him again.



“What does this mean?” I asked him looking into his eyes.

“Whatever you want it to mean.”

“Well I don’t know, what are we? Are we just friends, or?” I asked very confused.

“Well if you want me to clear it up, will you be my girlfriend?” he asked smiling.

“Sure, why not.” I smiled and got out the car to the front entrance of the school.
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