I Make You Want to Scream


I walked up the steps to my new school. There were two girls there at the front talking, I noticed them glance at the car and then me. One girl had reddish brown hair and green eyes, the other had dark choppy hair and her lip and nose were pierced. The one with the choppy hair looked at me and smiled.

“Are you new here?” she asked.

“Yea, I just moved here from San Diego, Im Madaline.” I said.

”Cool, im Samantha, this is Rachael. Do you want us to show you around?”

“Sure, here’s my schedule.” I said handing it to her. Samantha and Rachael looked and my schedule and smiled.

”All your classes are with us.” Rachael said.

”That’s great!” I smiled. They lead me to my locker, which was next to theirs too and asked me some stuff.

”So, who was that guy that dropped you off?” Rachael asked.

”Oh my god, he looked like M.Shadows! He’s so freaking hot!” Samantha giggled.I flushed.

”Um, do you guys want to know a secret?” .

“Sure!” they chimed. I took in a deep breath and sighed.

“That was my erm- boyfriend. He’s 23 and…that was M. Shadows.”

”That’s cool dude. I wish I had a hot 23 year old boyfriend.” Samantha laughed.

”Yea, but my brother- none of them really know, not yet. So…keep it a secret.”

”Who is your brother?”

”My last name is Baker.”

”Oh my god, I think im going to hyperventilate.” Rachael said, dramatically grabbing her chest. I didn’t know whether to laugh or be confused. I went for confused. I just stared at her, dumbstruck.

”Excuse her, she kind of loves your brother.” Samantha said opening Rachael’s locker for her, revealing tons of pictures of Zacky. I couldn’t help but giggle.

”Hey, do you guys want to come over on Saturday?” I asked.

”Sure, what time?”

”1:30 sound good?”

”Sounds great.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Terribley sorry, its short. I have no internet and my aunts computer kills me. Ill update later today when i dont have to worry about being caught on the comp late. Any one have ideas for the next chapter?? Also, FEEDBACK,COMMENTS AND SUBSCRIBERS help A LOT.
Thanks everyone!