I Make You Want to Scream

Book Worm

Two Weeks Later
Madaline POV

Tonight I was on a major book binge, I already had to get ready for finals and plus I had a history exam on Monday. What the hell kind of teacher would want to schedule an exam on a Monday? Only one that wants to kill your weekend that’s who. As I started on a new chapter in my history book, which I’ve been reading for hours, my phone on the desk began to vibrate and play Pandora by Madina Lake. I looked at it and I had a new text. When I flipped it open, I smiled.

Quite being such a book worm and get over here, I’m lonely!

I laughed and flipped my phone closed and tossed it on my bed and shut my book. I walked out of my room and next door to Matt’s. I looked around before opening the door and then walked in. Matt was at his closet looking for something. As I closed the door, he turned around in smiled, opening his arms. I immediately walked into them and hugged him.

“Are you done being a nerd?”

“Not close, are you done being lonely?”


“Good.” I smiled and pulled away to jump on his king sized bed. He laughed and laid next to me, I buried my face into his chest and he held me in his arms. After a few minutes just laying there, he brought my face up to his and softly kissed my lips. I kissed him back and he gently began to trail the kisses down my collar one and began to suck lightly on my tender skin, I suppressed a moan and pulled away from him.


“No one’s here.”

“Where are they?”

“At a bar.”

“Figures. What was your excuse?”

“I was sick.”

“You poor baby.” I smiled and kissed him again. He laughed and began to nip at my neck again, only going as far as that. After, he brought his lips back to mine and licked my bottom lip, I giggled, because it tickled, and let him, his tongue darted in and we greedily made out for a few minutes, seeming as we can’t do this every night. After we had stopped, Matt turned on the television and held me in his arms as we watched a movie together.

The Gnome's POV

“Alright, I’m heading home. Call me when you idiots are ready.” I told my drunken friends. I decided I really didn’t want to drink tonight so I just wanted to head home. They waved me off, Syn making sure to lick my cheek before I left.

“Gross!” I muttered and wiped my cheek and pulled out my keys, twirling them around on my finger as I made my way out of the bar. I spent two minutes looking for my car in the parking lot looking for my car until I had remembered it was parked on the other side. I quickly ran to it and jumped in and began the five minute drive home.

“Maddy? Matt?” I called as I walked in. I didn’t get a response, so I assumed Maddy was too into her studying to notice anything around her and Matt was probably passed out from being sick. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and headed upstairs to my room, pausing at Matt’s door to check on him, but stopped as soon as I heard a voice, Madaline’s.

“Matt, I hate sneaking around like this.”

“Maddy, you know I do too.”

“Why can’t we just tell the others?”

“Because Zacky will have my ass! Maddz, do you know how pissed he’d be if he found our we’re seeing each other?”

“I’d rather have him be mad instead of sneaking around.”


The door opened and Maddy walked out, bumping into me, she jumped and looked down. It was clear she didn’t want me to notice the tears in her eyes. I reached over and hugged her and then lead her to my room. In silence, I closed my door and she sat on my bed, still not looking at me. I sat across from her and waited.

“I don’t want Zacky to be mad, but I still want him to know.” she said quietly looking up at me. She tucked her black hair behind her ear, revealing her heartagram earring. She looked up at me, and her eyes were glazed.

“Maddy, you know I’m here for you, and you know I heard everything right now, how long have you and Matt been sneaking around?” I asked.

“Well, since the day I first started school, two weeks.”

“Who else knows?”

“Rachael and Samantha. Only them, they promised not to tell anyone I live with you guys and they promised not to tell anyone about Matt too.” she said,. I nodded. When Maddy had brought them over, they both seemed pretty cool. We all noticed that Rachael had a thing for Zacky, she would always catch herself staring at him and would sit next to him. Of course, Zacky was oblivious. Since then we’ve been teasing him about it.

“I want Zacky to know, but Matt doesn’t, I can see why.”

“Well yeah Maddz, before you arrived Zacky had waned us not to try anything and made it very clear he didn’t want us to think of you as anything but a friend and his sister. He doesn’t like how guys talk about you.”

“Huh? Guys? What guys?”

“There are pictures of you on the internet Madaline. When you modeled our merch for a photo shoot, remember?”

“That was a year ago!”

“Yea, well people seem to remember you. Zacky ended up giving some guy a black eye about it too. Hence how he made it clear. Maddy, you have no idea how protective of you he is.”

“That’s my fault?”

“Not really, you’re a Baker, and Baker’s are some sexy mother fuckers!” i laughed, jokingly.

“Geez Johnny if I would’ve known you were gay any sooner I would’ve hooked you up with Zacky a long time ago!” she teased. My face dropped and I sent her a mock glare. She glared back and we ended up laughing.

“Meanie.” I said and poked her. She stuck her tongue out at him and poked me back. My room door opened and Matt slowly walked in. Maddy stopped laughing an looked away. He sighed and leaned on the door frame and crossed his arms.

“Maddy, can we talk?”

“Then talk Matt.”

”I‘m telling Zacky.”
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Sorry if it's short; If you didn't guess, Johnny Christ is the gnome :D