Status: former short story. . .now slowly continuing [:

Tears and Tacos


After laying in bed with Kaylob, looking over the floor plans of our future house in California, I decided that I was getting hungry.

"I think your stomach's trying to tell you something," he said tickling my belly as it grumbled.

"Yeah, I am kinda hungry. I think I want to run out and get something, what do you want babe, a taco?" I said laughing.

"Yeah, get me like five. Please?"

As I was getting out of the bed, my eyes opened wide in shock. "Jesus little boy! Five tacos?!"

He laughed, "I might be your little boy, but I'm still growing you know?" God, he was so cute. His lips were kinda big, but he had a big smile to go with it. And he gave the best, softest kisses.

"Alright," I said grabbing my bag. "I'll be at Taco Bell getting your five tacos," I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Bye sweetheart."

"Bye sexy," he said winking at me. I just smiled and shook my head. I knew I wasn't sexy. Sure I was pretty, but I surely wasn't beautiful, and definitely not even close to sexy. But I guess to him I was.


I came back to the hospital with five tacos for Kaylob, and a quesadilla for myself. Oh and a Cherry Coke because that's what he loved. When he took the first sip of the drink, a huge smile grew on his face. "My favorite, how did you know?" he joked.

"I remember a lot about you my dear," I said laughing.

"Baby, I remember a lot about you too!"

"Oh yeah? Well you wanna put that to the test?" I asked.

"Bring it on little girl!" he said sitting up and putting the last piece of the second taco in his mouth.

"Alright little boy," I said trying to think of a question about myself to ask him. "Hmm, what's my favorite color?"

"Easy. Orange," he said smiling with confident. My jaw dropped in shock. He didn't know my favorite color. After nearly nine months of dating, and knowing each other for almost a year.


He laughed, "Yes?"

"You're wrong! You don't know my favorite color!"

"Babe, you know I was just playing! It's, blue..right?" he asked unsure.


"Just playing..again! Uh, I know your favorite color. It's pink. I'm right now, aren't I?"

I looked at him for a second, "Mhm, you were able to guess it right this time."

"I told you I remembered a lot about my girl!" he said.

"Yeah, Yeah," I said taking a sip of the Cherry Coke.

"I love you Alicia," Kaylob said randomly, looking at me sipping on the straw.

I stopped drinking, and took his hand in mine and brought it up to my lips and kissed it. "I love you you Kaylob." We sat there for a few minutes just smiling, and looking into each others eyes. Then we were interrupted by a knock at the door.

"You can come in," Kaylob said. And in walked his afternoon nurse. It wasn't the same nurse that came and told me I had to leave last time. This girl was younger, late twenties is what I was guessing. She looked at Kaylob's hand in mine,

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked giggling.

I let go of Kaylob's hand and started to clean up my Taco Bell wrapper. "Oh no, you're fine," I said giving the her a smile.

"Alright, well," she said looking down at her clipboard, then back up at Kaylob. "You sir, have some test to do today, so they'll be coming in in a few minutes to get you ready. Sweetie, you're gonna have to leave the room."

"Oh, okay. I was going to leave anyways."

Kaylob looked up at me, "You were?" he said sounding disappointed.

"Um, yeah. But I'll stop by later tonight after dinner maybe, alright? And I'm sure you'll have your cousins coming over today too. So it's not like you're gonna be lonely."

"Kay," was all he said. Whenever that's all he said, I knew he was upset. So I leaned forward and whispered in his ear,

"Don't be upset babe, I'll come back tonight. When it's just me and you." I pecked his lips quickly, and as I stood up straight, I winked at him. "I'll see you later hun," I said gathering my things.

"Bye baby!" I waved goodbye to the nurse as I left the room. As I walked out, to my right, I heard I noise. Like someone was throwing up. I followed the sound and was shocked as to what I saw.
♠ ♠ ♠
ooohhh, what does Alicia see?! :O

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oh, & comment please? if no one is reading this, I'm gonna delete ittt! D: