Status: former short story. . .now slowly continuing [:

Tears and Tacos


I couldn't believe my eyes. Sure I didn't care about this kid too much, but I wasn't a mean person. It was Jason. He was kneeling on the floor, throwing up into a tiny trash can near the water fountain. I ran over to him quickly and got on the floor next to him rubbing his back. He didn't even look up at me when I came over, he just stayed bent over the trash can.

"Jason, are you alright?" He just grunted. I looked down, and noticed he was in hospital socks. I giggled quietly, "Why are you in hospital socks?" He looked up at me with a serious face, and soon my smirk got wiped off my face.

"I lied to you Alicia," I had no clue what this kid was talking about. I barely knew him, what could he be lying about? "My friend's not sick in the hospital, I am. That's why I'm in hospital socks, and why I am pucking over a trash can right now."

I didn't say a word, I just sat there with my arm around Jason's shoulders for a few minutes. Poor kid, I thought, he seemed so happy when I met him. Like there was nothing wrong. But in fact a lot was wrong. I knew a lot about cancer because of Kaylob. I did my research after he had told me he was sick.

"I'm sorry, but I really have to get going," Jason said quickly sipping water from the water fountain to rinse his mouth.

"Don't worry, I understand. Try and feel better, alright? Just take it easy bro," he nodded and started walking in the opposite direction towards his room. As I started walking back towards the elevators, I noticed nurse running into a room. But not just any room, they were rushing into Kaylob's room.

I stopped dead in my tracks, but then I realized my boyfriend, my best friend was in trouble. I ran into the room, and saw the worst site I could possibly ever see.

Kaylob was lying in his bed with his eyes closed, and doctors and nurses were all around him hooking him up to the breathing machine, sticking I.V.'s and all different needles into him. He was in so much pain I could tell, and there was nothing I could do. I tears built up in my eyes as I heard him scream out.

"No!" I shouted bringing everyone in the room's attention to me.

"Get her out of here! She can't be in here!" exclaimed one of the doctors. I nurse that wasn't doing much came over to me.

"Sweetie let's go," she said pulling my arm lightly.

"No! I'm not leaving him! Please, help him! Don't let him go! He can't! He's not supposed to leave me!"

Then again the doctor said, "Didn't I tell you to get her out of here?!" Now another nurse came up to me trying to get me out of the room. To my surprise, I was able to wiggle myself out of the two nurse's grip. I ran up to his bed, pushing one of the doctors aside a bit.

"Kaylob! Baby, please!" I said loudly holding his winced up face in my hands. I leaned forward and said in a whisper, "Kaylob, it's me, Alicia. Please baby, please, you need to pull through. You can do it." And right as the two nurses came to drag me out of the room my last words were said to him. "I love you Kaylob Levy."

The tears poured out my eyes, as I sat on the floor outside his room with one of the nurse. She looked really young. Late twenties is what I was guessing. "Is he your boyfriend?" she asked. I looked up at her and nodded. "He's a cutie, and a real sweetheart, you're a lucky girl."

"Yeah, I know."

The nurse seemed hesitant at first but then continued talking to me, "You know I can tell young love when I see it. You guys really have something together. I can tell by your determination, and the fact that he has your picture under his pillow." She laughed at the thought.

"He does?" I asked.

"You didn't know that huh?" I shook my head. "Well I was changing his sheets when he was out doing test, or something, and I found it. He really loves you," she stopped to think of my name.

"Alicia," I said reassuring her.

"Alicia, pretty name for a pretty girl," she smiled, and I returned my awkward smile right back. "Everything is going to be okay in there alright? I know that for a fact."

"What had happened for everyone to rush in there like that?" I asked curiously.

"He stopped breathing. It's not the first time though. Just now they're going to have him hooked up to the breathing machine all night. I'm not sure if he's going to be on it during the day though. It would really be sad if he had to."

"Kaylob just can't die. He can't," I said quietly as I buried my head into the nurse's shoulder.
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thanks iamnakedmeow for reading and commenting! :D

I hope more people will subscrribbeeee! <3