Status: former short story. . .now slowly continuing [:

Tears and Tacos


I woke this morning with 3 new text messages. One was from Yvette asking if I wanted to hang out with her today the other two were from Kaylob. I smiled to myself.

The first one said, "Baby wake up! ;)". The second one was the same thing. He always sent his messages twice when i didn't respond right away. I looked at the time, 11:27, he sent the second message at 11:00.

I texted him back; "Good morning handsomeeee! [:". After i sent my message, I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. When i was done, i went downstairs to find my mom on the phone with my aunt. She had already finished making breakfast, waffles. I ate quickly and chugged my orange juice.

I went back up to my room and changed into my jean shorts, pink top, brown flip flops, and of course his brown surf necklace. It belonged to his brother who passed away last year. Kaylob took it and called it his lucky charm, and for our three months he gave it to me. I always wear it. Always.

I grabbed my keys, phone, and was out the door. My parents knew about Kaylob being in the hospital, so they never asked me where I was going anymore. All they would say is, "Tell him I said hello!", or "Tell his mother we said hi!". Nothing too exciting, they didn't want to go visit him because they knew he didn't really want them there. Not until he got a little bit better.


I got to the hospital quickly, since there were hardly any cars on the road. I got my pass, and made my way up to his room. I knocked twice. "Come in," I heard him say. I walked into his room seeing him in bed, with no shirt on, his eyes barely open, and his hair was a mess. He looked extremely tired. I could tell he wasn't feeling good at all.

"Well hello there handsome," I said smiling. His eyes were still barely open, but he knew my voice, and he smiled.

"H-hi beautiful," I went over to his bed side and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I can tell you're not feeling well-," he grabbed my hand and squeezed it before I could finish. "What's the matter sweetheart?" He didn't say anything, he just pushed the button that called for his nurse. "Kaylob, are you alright?" instead of answering with words, he just groaned.

"It hurts baby," he said with a single tear rolling down his cheek. I wiped it away and kissed his cheek.

"Everything is going to be alright sweetie, it's gonna be alright," I whispered into his ear. Just then, his nurse came in.

"Is everything alright? What's the matter?" she asked frantically.

"My head," he said cringing and squeezing my hand harder. "It hurts. Please! Please, make it stop! The tears couldn't help but build up in my eyes. I couldn't do anything for him, I couldn't make the pain go away. All I could do was comfort him as best as I could.

"Baby, it's gonna be alright," I said trying to be comforting. "They're gonna make you better. You're gonna get better, and we're gonna have our forever and always baby. It's gonna be okay," I brought his hand up to my lips and kissed it, then held it close to my face. "It's gonna be okay baby," I said in a whisper.

A doctor came in, "What's going on?" The nurse told the doctor what was happening to him. I'm not really sure what was happening, but I knew Kaylob, or the doctor would explain it to me later since I was the only with him today.

"Darling, you're going to have to leave," the nurse said to me in a kind voice. I nodded and placed a soft kiss on Kaylob's lips, and whispered 'I love you', into his ear. As I walked out the room I could hear him groaning from the pain. It broke my heart that he had to go through this. But he was a strong kid, I knew he could do it.
♠ ♠ ♠
la, la, la, la, laaaa ;D

so, this was kinda a filer. poor Kaylob is going though a lot of shit, maybe in the next chapter something will happen xP