Status: just getting started

Help, Love.


"it's time to wake up."

I hear the nurses' robotic voice call to me from beyond THE DOOR.

Day in, and day out The Door taunts me.

It can see the outer world, and I cannot.

I have been stuck here, in this place for 1 week so far, and THEY have yet to take me out of this room.

The Door opens 3 times a day.

Once for breakfast.
Once for lunch
O.nce for dinner.

That's it.

The first two days it opened, I refused to eat.

I didn't want to be here...I shouldn't be here...
but when I refused to eat,THEY just sent someone in here to force me.

My room is white.
It is dull, and dreary.

I have a bathroom, and a T.V. that only shows completely censored, and generic programs.

I cannot believe that this is what my life has become.

I go to the bathroom, brush my teeth and take a shower, I find clothes and sit down on my bed, one of the generic television programs comes on. This has been my life for the past seven days.

I turn to look at The Door.
No matter how much I stare at it, nothing happens.

I turn my attention back to the television.
I hate Avery.
I hate my "friends".
I strongly dislike my "parents".
I am adopted.

I'm pissed at the world.
but can you blame me? from the time that I stepped in to middle school, to present life...if you can call it that... has been nothing but a downward spiral.

I hear a knock at the door.

...I must be hearing things...

"it's time for you to meet your psychiatrist" the nurse says.

And after a week of the same surroundings; the same door, the same room, the same T.V. I get up, and follow the nurse out in to the open hallway.