Status: just getting started

Help, Love.


I got up from my chair and followed the other teens who had started lining up by the door.

At ten minute intervals escorts started arriving and taking individual teens to wherever they were to go next ... so 30 minutes in, there were still many of us left...just standing there against the wall.

There was nothing to do...nothing to look at but the blank walls that surrounded us.
Friends talked, hugged...chuckled.

And I stood myself.

I must have spaced out, because in a while I felt fingers softly tapping my shoulders. I jumped and let out a squeak.

Gasping for air I looked up at whom it was that surprised me, and there stood the same boy who had sat across the table from me; the same boy who had said "Hello".

He chuckled and messed around with his hands.

"I mean I know it must be scary to suddenly be in I figure I must be scary, but I didn't know I would scare you that much" he said, trying to contain the grin that continuously tried to appear on his face.

I looked into his deep emerald green eyes, and he suddenly stopped grinning.

"You didn't scare me" I mumbled. "It was merely a surprise."

He stuck out his hand "Denver...I mean...that's my name...because...that's what my parents named me". He said, stumbling to get the words out.

"Ackerly, nice to meet you".

And with that my escort came to the door, and called me over.

I looked back at Denver and gave a small wave as I exited the blank room.