Status: just getting started

Help, Love.


Dr. Karis' POV.

I reviewed Ackerly's files, and what I saw kind of...shocked me.

Ackerly seemed like just the average teenage girl...despite the fact that she didn't talk much...but this file...could it be true?

Just then I heard the door squeak and in walked Ackerly, as I quickly composed myself.


"So um...Ackerly do you know why you're here?"

She shook her head no "I shouldn't be here, this is all a mistake" she replied.

I looked deeply in to her eyes.

"is it really a mistake?" I asked
"do you really not remember what brought you here?"

She stared at me blankly
"I did nothing wrong, isn't everyone allowed to be angry?" she replied.

I thought about her response.
does she really not understand the gravity of what she's done, or can she not remember?
I took note.

"Ackerly, of course everyone is allowed to be angry...but there's a line that shouldn't be crossed" I replied

She looked at me and scrunched up her eyebrows.

wow, I thought. She genuinely doesn't know what she's done.

This may take a while to figure out.

"Well you remember owning a silver bat?"

at this, Ackerly's eyes widened