Status: just getting started

Help, Love.

"You're asking me will my love grow? I don't know, I don't know"

Denver's POV

After my therapy session, I was escorted back to my room.

I turned on the television.

New comers, only get generic channels, but if you've been here for a while, and your psychiatrist approves... you may be able to get more channels (still censored of course)...but it's better than nothing.

I flipped through all 30 channels I was allowed but it was no use, I couldn't get Ackerly's smile out of my mind.

It was driving me crazy < haha, even though I guess I already am crazy.

Could this mean that I like her? Well, I don't know.

But...I want to find out...

I had never believed in love.

I mean...when you come from the sort of household I grew up in... Love? It just seemed like one big myth made up by people in order to make life seem like it was worth living.

I had never recieved love from my family members.
I had never seen my previous friend's parents love one another.
I had never seen my friends/ aquaintances fall in love.

and as soon as I was admitted in to the "nut house"
all of the "friends" I once had dropped me like a hot mean it's safe to say that they hadn't loved me either.

It would be nice to prove myself wrong eventually...but it just seems so impossible...
how could two people stay together for more than 10 years without falling out of "love"?

How could two different gender's who think in completely different ways fall in love in the same way?

But Ackerly...she had this air about her.
She seemed like she had been hurt...and for some reason...every ounce in my body wanted to help her.

In the past...I had given up so easily on things...
But something was telling me not to give up this time.

I was going to help her no matter what.

I had never really liked anyone before, so...I don't know for sure what it would feel like to like someone...
But ever since I looked in to her beautiful eyes...I don't know what...but something about me had changed. For the first time...I felt a slight twinge in my heart...a heart I had almost forgotten was there.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well I would just like to take this time to thank my one suscriber, for suscribing :)

I love you this much :________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ :)