‹ Prequel: A Word or A Letter

A Cry or a Scream

Chapter 1

“Jack Alborne?”


“Jessica Bennet?”


“Pino Crane?” I recognized the name.

“…here.” I recognized the voice. As I went through the roll, I contemplated over where I could have possibly met her. Distant family? Maybe. Friend’s kid? Possible. I have no idea.

I spent the entire period thinking about it. I even failed to register the bell ringing. All of a sudden, a shadow creped over my desk, causing me to flinch my head upwards.

“Mr. Crane?” I guess I could just ask her if I met her.

“Hello. May I help you?”

“Just a question. Did you know a man named Tom Crane? He’s my father….”

“Name sounds familiar. What does he look like?”

She gestured with her hands. “About six feet tall, blonde hair…”

My mind flashed to a description in my journal. A photo in my wallet. A face with no name.

I pulled the photo out of my pocket. “This man?”

Her eyes widened, enabling me to see her entire iris.

“Yes…do you remember him? He remembers you.”

“I can’t say I do. My memory’s been fading.”

“…oh…..want to see him? You two were really good friends.”

“I suppose. Why not?”


Even upon seeing him in person. Even knowing his name. Nothing. The uncontrollable itch that I was forgetting something remained. “I’m sorry sir, but I’m afraid I don’t remember you.”

Tom’s face developed from a shocked expression to one of raging frustration. “You helped me raise Pino! How can you not remember?!?! We lived together for months!”

“Sir, calm down-“

“And what’s with changing your name? Your name is John! Why take my last name? Did you have sick fantasies?! Huh?! That we were going to get married? Fall in love?!?!” at this, he started weeping, but continued. “That…after all that….I would still care for you…..still have feelings for you……”

Pino hugged her father, looking at me apologetically.

“Dad, what are you-“

“I’m sorry,” Tom and I said. I stopped and let him continue.

“I loved you. I just… didn’t know it was love. I felt cornered.” Tom took a step forward, and wept into my shoulder. “I’m sorry…”