Status: writer's block + zero time = story severely lacking updates...sorry guys! soon though I promise!

So This is Love


When Grace's mother arrived at the hospital, Damien stepped out of the room to give them some privacy. It was four in the morning, and the hospital lights were still dimmed to allow patients their sleep. As he wandered aimlessly down the gray halls, Damien let his mind wander.

Mostly, he thought about Grace. She was a stranger to him, and yet he felt an overwhelming urge to hold her in his arms and never let her go. Those few moments in which their hands were clasped and her head rested against him were among the best he could remember. Her soft, smooth hands in his, the feel of her delicate head resting against his chest were imprinted forever in his mind. And her scent—lilacs, soap, and something that he couldn't quite place. Something that was purely Grace. He couldn't keep her out of his head, even if he'd wanted to. He wondered if she felt the same. Or was she just grateful that he'd saved her life?

Damien returned to Grace's room a while later, bringing fresh coffee with him. As soon as he'd crossed the threshold, Grace's mother, still in pajama pants and a bathrobe stuffed under her large winter coat and snow boots, turned to him tearfully, with her arms outstretched.

"Thank you for saving my baby," she spluttered as she hugged him. "Thank you for saving my Gracie."
♠ ♠ ♠
Exam week is finally over! =D I know this is suuuuperrr short, but I kind of like it this way. I think I'm going to stick with shorter chapters from now on, although they probably won't be this short. Let me know what you think! ;)

Thanks so much to all you commenters/subscribers! It means a lot. Keep it comin'!!