‹ Prequel: Our Rights, Our Wrongs

Blood Ties

Eloise Phantomhive, er scratch that. Eloise Snape was a strange girl, to say the least, and not a very good Heroine. To most, she was a fairly average Slytherin: Pure blood, of course; fair grades but the best grade in Potions; a snooty attitude to most, except the Prince, "Draco."

The Strange part came more into her blood line. She was the offspring of Severus Snape's half-brother, who happened to be a Death Eater. Yet, she seemed to be more attracted to the Light. Spending half of her first year in the arms of a certain 3rd year was a secret to most, especially when they no more than glanced at each other in the halls, was just one instance of her blood betrayal.

The strange nature of Eloise never occurred to her two friends, Mae Cummings and Evelyn Cunningham, two bright half bloods that were in her year.

We join Eloise at her 12th birthday, Malfoy Manor, two weeks before they go back to school.