Moment Of Truth

And none of it's got me close to this

Looking at the clock once again, I noticed it was now a few minutes past six which meant my shift was over but I was not allowed to leave until the next worker came and took my place. I thought that was a stupid rule. At a Tuesday night the diner was not very crowded and we did not need three workers plus Maria, my boss, the owner of the diner. I could understand if it was a Friday which was our busiest day but there were only five costumers right now and neither me nor Hannah, the other waitress and also my friend, had anything to do right now. Though I wouldn’t complain, I would never say any negative word in front of my boss; I needed this job too much to risk getting fired.

Besides it wasn’t Maria I was angry at, I respected her rules, even though I didn’t always agree to them, I followed them. I was angry at Rose, the waitress who was supposed to start her shift at eight when I ended mine. And she hadn’t shown up yet. I stared at the clock again, ten minutes past. I’ll be damned if I didn’t get paid overtime for this. I sighed and picked up a washcloth and went to clean some of the tables.

“Rose being late again?” Hannah asked me quietly as she worked on a table near mine, placing new napkins on the table.

“Mhm,” I mumbled, rubbing circles into my temples, trying to sooth my headache. “And I worked a ten hour shift to day. I’m exhausted.”

“Urg, I hate that bitch.” Hannah groaned, not being a very big fan of her either. She didn’t seem like she cared all that much about her job. Rose wasn’t very good at her job either, she was slow and clumsy. She broke at least one plate a day, which didn’t make Maria very happy. Hannah knew that she would do most of the work now that Rose was taking my place.

When the hands of the clock turned to 15 minutes past six, a flushed Rose came running into the diner. After catching her breath she went into the back and put her apron on, before coming back out. “I’m so sorry I’m late.” She said both to me and Maria, though Maria didn’t look pleased.

“So, that’ll be the end of my shift.” I said, smiling at Maria, who nodded her head with a smile herself. I went into the back and hung my apron on a hanger. I went over to the computer to put my time in, making sure I was signed up for working 15 minutes extra. It wouldn’t do much to my paycheck but I sure as hell wasn’t going to work for free.

I walked out to my car after saying goodbye to all of them. There wasn’t a lot of traffic and I was home in about 10 minutes. When I was walking up the stairs to my apartment I was feeling a little more alert. Even though my feet hurt a bit from standing up all day I decided I should get some more exercise before I went to bed. I wanted to do it before I ate my dinner as well and I hadn’t been exercising in about a week now, so it was about time. Debating on whether I should go out for a run or if I should do it on my small treadmill I had in my apartment, I decided to do it inside since it was starting to get dark outside.

I changed out of my clothes and into a pair of booty shorts and a sports bra. I saw no meaning in putting on a lot of clothes when I was just going to sweat them down and leave me with more laundry. I put on a pair of running shoes and went into my extra room. I had a quite large apartment with two bedrooms and a big kitchen combined living room. Though it was not cheap, this is why I needed two jobs even though they took a lot my energy and time.

I put on music and started running. I loved running. It made me feel better and always got in a better mood, I was happier. It took away all my frustrations which I needed today, with Rose and the diner. I felt free. Trying to let go of Saturday’s events, which I was blaming on the alcohol, by the way. When I sobered up I realized how childish I was being. I was not going to sabotage John and Anna’s relationship. He had chosen her to be his girlfriend for a reason, because she made him happy. And who was I to make him miserable. I was going to support John in whatever decision he made, even though I didn’t always agree with him. He was my best friend and that’s what friends do for each other.

After about half an hour I heard the doorbell ring. I cursed, stopping the treadmill and running into my room pulling on the first shirt a saw, which just happened to be John’s. Since I was so short and John was so tall the t-shirt went to my mid-thigh which would be enough, not having time to find any pants. I hurried out in the hallway and opened the front door.

“John?” I asked, surprised to see him standing outside my door. “What are you doing here?” I asked, still a bit out of breath.

“Am I not allowed to visit a friend now?” He answered with a grin.

“Sorry, come in.” I smiled and backed into the apartment giving him space to walk in.

“Have you been running again? You look disgusting.” He said, looking me over. I know he meant nothing by his words, we were always honest with each other and insults were thrown on both of us every day.

I looked myself over in the mirror hanging in the hallway. My make was running down my cheek from the sweat dripping from my forehead. I was red like a tomatoe in the face. I looked really unattractive. I was a little embarrassed that John saw me like this, but it’s not like I try to impress him usually. He’s seen all my best and worst sides so there no point in hiding anything from him.

I just shrugged and grinned up at him. “Who cares?” He laughed and followed me into the kitchen. I took a water bottle out of the refrigerator and drank almost the whole thing. “What are you up to?” I asked him, hopping up on a counter. I watched him leaning against the kitchen table with his hands in his pocket.

He shrugged with a small smile. “Trying to get some inspiration to write.”

“And you thought you’d find it here?” I smirked and drank what was left in the bottle before putting it under the sink for recycling when I got the time.

“You never know. I might name our next song ‘the disgusting girl’.” He joked with a laugh.

“Oh, I feel so flattered.” I rolled my eyes. “Do you want to stay for dinner?” I asked, changing the subject.

“Sure,” He shrugged. “What are we having?”

“I was just going to heat up leftovers but now that you are here we can cook something.” I shrugged and opened the refrigerator to see if I had anything interesting to eat. I turned around and thought for a while. “We can just make pasta and tomatoes sauce?” I proposed.

“Alright, I can make the pasta and you can make the sauce.” He grinned. I knew he wasn’t so big on cooking but I took out an onion and gave it to him.

“Slice this and I’m just gonna go shower. I’ll be right back.” I pulled out a cutting board and a knife, placing it down on the counter.

“Okay,” He said a little apprehensive but still, agreed to it. “Wait, is that my shirt you’re wearing?” he asked pointing at me with the knife just as I was about to leave the kitchen.

I looked down at the shirt and then up at him again with a shrug. “Yeah, so?” I turned around and left the kitchen heading to the bathroom.

“Just remember to wash it before I get it back, I don’t want your sweat!” He yelled after me making me laugh.

“Fuck you!” I yelled back before I locked the bathroom door behind me. I stripped down and jumped into the shower. Making it fast so John wouldn’t have any time to ruin the sauce, I was out and dressed in ten minutes. I decided to just put on my PJ’s, another pair of booty shorts and a large t-shirt. I wasn’t going to go out tonight and didn’t see any meaning in putting on other clothes when I was going to bed in just a few hours.

When I was combing my hair I heard a loud thud coming from the kitchen. “John?” I asked loudly, wondering what the noise came from. He didn’t answer me so I hurried my way into the kitchen, getting worried. My heart stopping when I saw John lying lifelessly on the floor.

“John?!” I shrieked and crouched down next to him. I shook his shoulders’ gently hoping to wake him, but he didn’t move. I tried again, feeling on the verge of tears. My mind was raising a mile a minute. Should I call 911? What if he was dead? I shook him once more and when he didn’t wake I resorted to slapping him, hard. He stirred once and opened his eyes, looking up at me in confusion. “What the hell happened?” I asked gently, calming down my raising heart. He was alive.

John didn’t answer just looked down at his finger with wide eyes. I followed his eyes and saw blood oozing out of a small gash on his index finger. I connected the dots and then hit him hard in his shoulder. “Ow what was that for?” He glared at me, holding onto his shoulder with the non-bleeding hand.

“It’s just a small gash. How the hell could you pass out because of that?” I was so mad at him for scaring me like that. But I took a hold of his hand and helped him up on his feet.

“Sorry, I just-” He hissed as he inspected the gash closer.

I rolled my eyes at him. “Come on.” I took his hand and led him into the bathroom my first aid kit. I washed his finger and patched it up. “You’re such a wuss.”

“Hey, that’s not very nice.” John complained and followed me back into the kitchen. “You got scared didn’t you?” He asked with a smirk.

“No shit. I had your funeral already planned out.” I mumbled as I continued chopping the onion where John left off.

He laughed and then stepped up behind me wrapped his arms around my waist, hiding his face in my neck. “I’m sorry for scaring you.” He mumbled.

I didn’t say anything, I would not admit to him how freaked out I got from that. Oh John, you have no idea what kind of effect you have on me.