Moment Of Truth

I've waited all my life

“He did what?” Hannah and my other two friends Wilma and Sarah laughed when I told them about what happened with John at my apartment the other night.

“Yes, he just fell to the floor unconscious. I’m never letting him near a knife again.” I chuckled with them, as I took another bite of my lunch. I had met up with the girls on my lunch break and we went to this small restaurant in town.

I didn’t see Wilma and Sarah that much, and Hannah mostly when we were working. I wasn’t very close to Wilma and Sarah; they were really only Hannah’s friends. And her, I met through work. My mother had told me that it wasn’t really healthy for a girl to only have guy friends, before I started working at the diner I only hung out with John and the guys, but since then I tried my hardest befriending some girls.

It was refreshing really, I had someone to gossip to and do girl stuff with. Like shopping, talking about hair and make up, and boys. I had never liked surrounding myself with girls before, mainly because I was really late getting into girl stuff. I didn’t start using make up until I was seventeen and I didn’t really care what clothes I wore, much to my mother’s dismay. I guess being best friends with a boy ever since I could remember did that to you.

But also because the girls at our high school were all such drama queens, they didn’t give me a second glace. I guess again being so close friends with guys made their influence rub off on me. I was thinking like them, and that being to not care about bitches. And so I didn’t.

“Oh my god.” Hannah mumbled, after calming down from the fit of laughter.

“He never ceases to amaze me.” I smiled.

“Well, at least you’ll be sure he won’t turn into an axe-murderer and kill you in your sleep.” Wilma said.

“Yeah, but he’ll also be of so much help when an axe-murderer does show up to kill me. I’m sure he’ll be able to fight him off with his madly skills of… fainting.” I said in a sarcastic manner, making them laugh again.

“That is reassuring.” Hannah giggled.


Conversation fell quiet as we continued to eat our food. I looked at the clock, I had 20 minutes left until I had to be back at the book store. I didn’t worry though, it was just around the corner from here.

“So, we should all go out this weekend,” Hannah stated while we were walking out of the restaurant 15 minutes later. “We haven’t gone to a club in a really long time.”

“I agree.” Wilma nodded.

“I don’t really feel like dancing, you guys.” Sarah said. “Can’t we just go to a bar instead?”

“I’m down with the bar.” I said, I wasn’t really into dancing.

“Okay, but Libby, can’t you bring John, then? We won’t be able to really enjoy a girl’s night out if we go by ourselves.” Hannah asked with a roll of her eyes.

“If we bring him it wouldn’t really be a girl’s night out, now would it?” I said but totally understood what she meant. If a group of girls went to a bar they wouldn’t be left alone for five minutes without being hit on. But as long as there was one guy sitting at the same table no other guy would bother. Then they are like taken territory.

We needed John to be left alone. “I’ll be sure to ask him.” I added, not feeling up to being hit on by drunk obnoxious guys at some bar.

“Great, wait can’t you ask that cute friend of his to come too? The guy that usually comes into the diner with him.” Hannah asked with a shy smile.

“Who, you mean Garrett?” I didn’t know she had a crush on him. But now I felt like playing cupid. Garrett was in need of a sweet girl like Hannah. He hadn’t had a serious relationship since high school and was in need of some romance.

“Yeah, him.” She bit her lip as a small blush coated her cheeks.

“He’ll be easier to convince than John.” I smiled.

“Alright, so on Saturday, everyone cool with that?” Hannah changed the subject and looked around on all three of us, standing in the parking lot.

“Yes, we can meet at my place before, and I’ll make dinner, then we’ll meet up with the guys at the bar, that sound good?” Sarah asked.

We all agreed to that and went our separate ways. I was excited out Saturday though I was not as excited to have to try to get John to come. He was not really into hanging out the girls. He always said he felt uncomfortable with a group of too many girls. Though it would be easier to convince him to come if Garrett was coming as well, then he wouldn’t be the only guy. But in the end, I knew he wouldn’t say no to me.