Moment Of Truth

If not now, when will I?

I looked over my outfit in the mirror one more time, before I decided I was decent for a night at the pub and turned to grab my things. I was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a loose fitting red tank top. I didn’t want to go too over board, if we had went to a club I would have dressed differently.

I heard a car honk down from the parking lot, letting me know Sarah was here to pick me up. She had offered to be the designated driver tonight since no one wanted to take the bus. I hurried outside and hopped into the car where Hannah and Wilma were already sitting.

“Hey, guys.” I smiled as Sarah stared driving towards the bar.

“Hi,” They all greeted me.

“I’m excited for tonight, it’s gonna be fun.” I said honestly.

“You missed dinner.” Sarah said, sounding a little bitter that I had cancelled the dinner due to work.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that, I had to work. I just got home an hour ago.” I apologized. The reason I wasn’t as close to them as I know I could have been was because I was so busy all the time, with my two jobs and hanging out with John and the boys as much as I did. I knew Hannah, Wilma and Sarah hang out a lot of times when I wasn’t with them, but I was okay with that.

“Garrett and John are coming, right?” Hannah asked hopefully.

“Yes, I cornered them both at the same time.” I laughed. “Garrett seemed really excited though.”

“Great.” Her face lit up at the heard of that.

“They’re meeting us at the bar later.”

When we arrived at the bar we sat down in a booth in the back. I took out my phone and sent a text to John letting him know we were here. I soon got one back saying they were on their way.

“Anyone want beer?” Wilma asked, standing up.

“Yeah, I’ll have one.” I smiled.

“Me too.” Hannah announced.

“I’ll be right back.”

“Can we switch seats?” Hannah asked when Wilma came back with three beers and a soda for Sarah who was staying sober all night.

“Sure, why?” I asked as she climbed over me to take the outer seat of the booth, squeezing me into the corner next to Sarah, while Wilma had the other end seat.

“Then Garrett can sit next to me when he gets here.” She said, trying to be casual but I didn’t fail to see the grin on her face.

“Which is now…” I trailed off seeing John and Garrett approach us. John looked good. He was just wearing a simple button up shirt and a pair of skinny jeans, but he looked as good as always. The smile on his face took my breath away and I had to look away to regain my brain.

“Hello, ladies.” John smoothly said once they reached our table. He stood there with his hands in his pockets, watching amusedly the way Garrett and Hannah shamelessly checked each other out.

“Hi, Garrett.” Hannah smiled and scooted closer to me, making room for Garrett to sit down next to her.

“Hi, Hannah.” He smirked as he sat down and immediately started a conversation with her.

“Hey, John.” I said, decided to give Hannah and Garrett some privacy and tried to come up with a conversation for the rest of us. John smiled and sat down across from Garrett next to Wilma. “This is Wilma and Sarah.” I pointed at each of them as I introduced them to John who only had met Hannah before because we worked together.

“Hi, nice to meet you. I’m John.” John introduced himself and shook their hands. They seemed impressed. But I wasn’t surprised, no girl failed to fall for John’s charm. It’s probably that smile, and his polite ways. But I should stop staring, it’s creepy.

“It’s so nice to finally meet you, John. We’ve heard so much about you.” Sarah said with a laugh looking over at me. “Libby talks about you all the time.” She turned her head so John wouldn’t see her and mouthed ‘oh my god’ to me. And I blushed, knowing what she was thinking.

“Does she now?” John said, laughing.

“Because he’s my best friend and I’ve known him my whole life.” I defended myself.

“Uh-hu,” Sarah said giving me a look that told me she didn’t believe me. I mean was my affection to him that obvious, she just met him two minutes ago.

I turned my attention to my beer and drank what was left of it, deciding I needed more to endure this night. “I’m gonna get more beer. Do you want, John?” I asked totally changing the subject.

“Uh, yeah. Thanks.” He nodded. I crawled over both Sarah, Wilma and John, who groaned slightly at my very smooth ways of getting out of the booth.

“Garrett, do you want too?” I asked once I was standing.

“Huh?” He looked up at me confused. He had clearly not been paying attention to our conversation, too busy with his own with Hannah.

“Do you want beer?” I asked more specifically.

“Yes, some JD too, please.”

“I’m not that rich.” I complained. I could handle buying beer, besides I felt like I owned John and Garrett that much for making them come tonight, but not anything more, even if I did have two jobs, they weren’t exactly high paying.

“Here,” Garrett said, handing me a twenty.


I walked over to the bar and hung over it, waiting for my turn. There were a lot of people surrounding the bar so I would probably have to wait for a while. I sang along quietly to ‘I was made for loving you’ by Kiss as I watched the bartender work around the costumers trying to catch eyes with him to get his attention.

“What are you getting?”

I looked over to my left to see a pretty cute guy in his early twenties standing there with a smile on his face. He had blond hair that would have looked great if it wasn’t for the Bieber haircut which I wasn’t too much of a fan of. But he had a pretty smile.

“Just beer.” I answered. “What about you?”

“Really, I would have pinched you for a whine girl.”

“What makes you think that?” I asked genuinely curious.

He just shrugged and smiled without answering. I raised my eyebrows still wanting to know. He leaned in closer to my ear. “Do you know this song?” He asked changing the subject.

“Doesn’t everyone?” I asked, thinking that was a pretty stupid question.

“What can I get you guys?” The bartender asked coming up to us.

“Three beers and two shots of Jack Daniels.” I told him, thinking I could take full advantage of the money Garrett gave me. He nodded and went to fix the drinks.

“Wow, you’re not drinking all that by yourself right?” The Bieber guy asked, laughing.

“No, it’s for my friends as well.” I smiled and waited impatiently for the alcohol.

It didn’t take him long though, to get the drinks and place them in front of me. I handed him the money and Bieber ordered his beer. While I was thinking of how to get all the glasses over to the table I downed one of the shots to get one glass out of the way.

“Wow, you can hold your liquor too. I’m already starting to like you.” Bieber said while leaning in a little too close for comfort.

“Do you need help with that, babe?” I heard John’s smooth voice whisper in my ear, his hand resting on my lower back.

I turned to look at him surprised. He was giving the Bieber guy the glare of the century. The Bieber guy himself looked pretty shocked by the turn of events and a little scared too.

“Did you want anything?” John’s harsh tone was directed to Bieber who subconsciously took a step back shaking his head.

“Uh, no. Sorry.” He turned and left while I turned and gave John a glare.

“What?” He asked innocently.

“Was that really necessary?”

“Uh, yeah. That guy was a total sleaze.”

“And how do you know?”

“Just look at him.” John said shortly, taking two of the beers from the bar and started walking back to the table. I picked up the third beer and Garrett’s shot and followed him.

“He had a freaking Bieber haircut, I’m pretty sure he’s harmless.” I said, getting really frustrated with him. Not that I was really into the guy, he seemed a little weird, but wasn’t the point. The point was how immature John was acting right now. As if he could decide what guys were good dating material for me. I hated when he did that, which happened pretty often, might I add.

“Can we not have this conversation?” He snapped setting down the beers at the table. He sighed and turned to me with an apologetic look for snapping at me. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“Whatever.” I mumbled and hopped over Sarah and Wilma who looked a little awkward but gave us a curious look as to why we were fighting. I ignored them and sat back down in my original place between Hannah and Sarah, not wanting to be near John for the rest of the night.