Moment Of Truth

We've been good

I was woken up by the phone ringing. It took me a while to figure out it was actually the phone ringing and not something in my dream. When I finally got around to answer, it had already stopped ringing and started again. John was on the other line and sounded way to happy for it to be this early.

“Are you still sleeping?” John asked, when I was barely responding to him.

“Yes, you fucking woke me up!” I grunted and rolled onto my stomach and buried my face in the pillow.

All I could hear was John’s laughter on the other end.

“Fucking hate you.” I murmured.

“No, you love me.”

I sighed. “Unfortunately.”

“Hey, I’m offended.”

“It’s my day off, John. I’m allowed to hate you when you wake me up!” I laughed at him.

“I know, that’s why I called. Not to make you hate me, I mean, but to ask if you wanted to come with me to the studio.” He said and stopped joking around.

“Oh, well why didn’t you just say so?” I sat up in the bed and stretched a bit.

“I just did.”

I rolled my eyes at him and yawned.

“Be ready in 15 minutes, I’ll pick you up.”

“But, I just wo-“ I was interrupted by the click when he hung up, and sighed again. I swear, John will never learn that I’m a girl and need more than fifteen minutes to get ready on. I ran a hand through my hair, it wasn’t too oily it would do if I sprayed some dry shampoo in it, cause I didn’t have time to take a shower.

I was dressed and finished in 17 minutes. In 20 I was sitting in his car.

“I’ve been waiting for,” John checked his clock, “five minutes, your late.”

“When are you going to understand that I’m a girl and need time to get ready? I can’t believe I woke up 20 minutes ago.” I sighed and leaned back as he drove away.

“Dude, it’s not normal to lay 2 hours in bed, every day, before you go up.” John laughed as he watched the road.

“Shut up. It’s normal for me.”

We carried on joking and making small talk until we got to the studio. John parked the car and we walked inside. The rest of the guys were already here.

“Dude, you’re late.” Kennedy complained. He was sitting on a rolling chair with a guitar on his lap. “You’re laying down vocals today.”

“Sorry, had to wait for Libby here. It takes half eternity for her to get ready.” John said with a roll of his eyes as he sat down on the couch and pulled a couple of crumbled sheets of paper from his bag. He folded them out and laid them on the table in front of him, staring at them.

“It was five minutes, John.” I rolled my eyes and sat down next to him.

He chuckled and gave me a grin before walking over to their producer and talking to him. Garrett came over and sat next to me with a smile on his face while texting away at his phone.

“Are you talking to Hannah?” I asked with a smile on my face as well. I thought they were completely adorable together.

“Yeah.” He said, a small blush covering his cheeks.

“Have you seen each other since Saturday?”

“We went for coffee on Monday and we saw a movie last night.”

“Aww, that’s so cute. Are you together now?” I asked hopefully.

“I don’t know,” He said a bit nervously, “I mean, not officially.”

“You should ask her, she will say yes.” I smiled.

“I hope so.” He smiled. “Hey, you’re coming to Trey’s birthday party Saturday right? It’s at our house.”

“Um, sure I’ll come. Haven’t seen him in a while.” Garrett’s brother Trey’s was off at college and didn’t come home very often. But he used to hang with the guys sometimes when he was still in high school.

John then came over to us. “Libby, I want you to listen to this. I wrote a song about us, all of us really, but I was thinking of you specifically when I wrote the lyrics.” He said and led me up to one of the computers that was standing in the corner. I was both nervous and excited about hearing it. No one had ever written a song for me before.

The music begun playing and I heard his voice. An instant smile got stock on my face the whole way through the song. It was a happy song, that brought back good memories for me.

“That is great, it’s got that positiveness about it.” I said once the song was over.

“You liked it?” He asked with a proud smile on his face. “It’s just the demo, we haven’t recorded it yet, but I think it’s got potential.”

“It’s definitely got potential, it’s catchy, but still a bit deep, you know. Have you thought of a name for it yet?”

“Hm, I was just thinking of naming it ‘Like we did’ or possibly ‘Windows down’. Like we did may sound a little short or cut of, or something.” He shrugged.

“I like ‘Windows down’.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lateness of this and for the filler. And sorry to RoRo15 for breaking my promise about updating before new years. Well here it is, and I will not take as long time to get the next one out, that promise I will hold. :) But what do you think will happen at the party coming up? because I will asure you, drama is on the way ;D

I did a new layout as well, what do you thik? I like it better than the last, too much green xD

On a happier note, Pioneer is AMAZING! :D I can't stop listening, I love the new sound, this is by far their best record to date. And if you allow me to do a small rant; I hate hate hate that they aren't coming to Sweden. With this album they climbed to the top of my favorite bands list, pushing down A7x, who had been laying there for quite a few years so that is saying something. But I won't be able to see them live because the swedes don't know good music. No one I've talked to has heard them, not even my friends listen to them. So I just kind of hate the world right now, but not the The Maine, I love them for making awesome music. Just so you know I envy every one of you who live in America, Uk, Germany, France and where else they will tour. End of rant. Thank you, and sorry about that. :)

Thanks for still reading :)