Moment Of Truth

Don't you feel like something's missing here?

“And then, Trey got so scared he literally jumped in his seat and spilled beer all over me and the couch. He was so freaked out and couldn’t sleep for like two nights after that.”

I laughed, spilling out some of my drink while Miles told me the story of when he and his friends watched Paranormal Activity. It was hilarious, but maybe because I was so drunk.

We were sitting outside on the porch and had been for the past couple of hours. It surprised me but I was actually having a really good time, despite me being shy around new people. The fact that I’m really drunk right now, helped a lot.

“Haha, oh my god.” I shook my head, smiling as I looked out at the backyard and the few people that were hanging in groups there.

“You’ve seen it, right?” He asked, taking a sip of his beer.

“The first one, but not the two others.” I said. I honestly didn’t think it was that scary, the first two thirds of the movie were actually pretty boring, before stuff started to happen and then everything happened all at once.

“Me neither, we should totally watch them sometime. Like rent all three and have a marathon. I mean if you want to?” He smiled adorably and showed off his dimple, I couldn’t help but smile back.

“Sure, sounds fun.” I was actually really excited he wanted to meet again. But like the awkward kid I was at heart, I didn’t want to show too much excitement that would scare him away.

“Awesome, so are you a die hard horror fan or one of those scared little girls?” He asked playfully.

I laughed. “Trust me, I do not get scared easily.”

“Oh,” He said, seeming impressed. “Favorite scene in a horror movie?” He asked skeptically.

“Hm,” I said thinking. “I’d have to go with when all blood comes running out of the elevators in The Shining, that is classical.”

“Can’t disagree with you there, most new horror movies are so cliché, and totally predictable. Such a disappointment, and that’s why I liked Paranormal cause it was original. And the best thing about it was that they didn’t make an animated demon that would be totally unrealistic and not scary.”

“Exactly, like have you seen that one film, Insidious I think it’s called, I mean the story pretty okay, though a bit cliché but when they came and showed the devil or whatever the hell it was supposed to represent, it ruined everything. I was like really, is this a cartoon or what.” I laughed.

“I haven’t seen it, and I’m not sure I want to anymore.” He laughed.

“Not worth your time.”

We discussed the subject a bit more, before moving the conversation forward. We sat out there for a pretty long time, though it wasn’t boring once. But eventually I had to excuse myself; with the rate I’d been drinking naturally needed to relieve my bladder.

I walked inside the house and straight to the bathroom. After I’d done my business I decided while I was inside I could just refill my drink as well. I walked into the kitchen all the while couldn’t stop smiling. I really liked Miles so far, not sure if I liked him in a romantic way yet, but I really wanted to get to know him better so I could find that out.

While I walked through the living room to get to the kitchen I noticed in the corner of my eye John sitting by himself in a corner. He was looking down at the floor with a frown on his face and had a JD bottle tightly in his hand. I looked over and saw Kennedy and Garrett with a few of our other friends on the other side of the room, laughing and having a good time. I wondered why he would isolate himself, it wasn’t like him.

I contemplated whether I should go up and talk to him or if I should go back outside to Miles. But in the end, John was my best friend and I couldn’t ignore him in a state like that.

I sighed and slowly started to make my way up to him, noticing I was walking a little unsteadily, more like stumbling forward and I realized I had been drinking a little too much.

“John?” I made my presence known once I was close to him. He lifted his head to look at me, but he was so out of it he couldn’t even keep eye contact. “What are you doing?” I asked worriedly.

“What are you doing?” He slurred really bad.

I sighed and prayed the bottle out of his hand and sat down on my knees in front of him, placing my hands on his knees. “Talk to me John, you freaking me?” He really was scaring me, I had never seen him like this. Usually he goes into a rant or hides away and sulk alone in a room, but he never keeps it inside for too long. And he never drinks himself into oblivion in public even less.

“Anna’s a bitch.” He sighed. I just took a deep breath and listened as he started rambling. “I mean, I’ve always known she’s a bit bossy and a know-it-all but now she’s just pissing me off. She thinks we spend too much time together.”

“Really, most girls would complain about their boyfriend not spending enough time with them.” I said, confused.

“Not Anna and I. You and I. She’s always had an issue with you.” You don’t say. “I’ve never seen it as a big problem but lately it’s been worse.” Maybe, since she saw us kiss? “She always has a snide comment about you, or something mean to say every time your name is mentioned and I’m getting sick of it. She’s my girlfriend but she knows you are my best friend. Sometimes I get the feeling like she’s trying to make me hate you and I don’t understand why, it just pisses me off.” He sighed and placed his hands on top of mine and squeezed them lightly as he closed his eyes.

I was glad John wasn’t so blind and dumb, she couldn’t fool him and he had actually called out on her bullshit and stood up for me. But that made me feel guilty for ditching him earlier to hang out with Miles.

“Come on, let’s get you home.” I mumbled and stood up, helping him to his feet as well. I knew John hated sleeping in someone else’s bed when he was drunk, especially waking up hangover, having to be social to other people. John was like me, very anti-social in the mornings and when hung over ten times worse.

He followed my lead towards the front door without protest.

“Libby!” I heard a voice yell my name behind us and turned around. I had completely forgotten about Miles.

“Hey, sorry I have to leave and get John home.” I gave him an apologetic smile.

“Oh, okay, that’s cool.” He sounded a little sad by that news, which just made me feel guilty again for going with John this time. Was this how John felt with me and Anna? I can clearly see why he gets frustrated.

“But, can I get your number?” Miles asked hopefully, with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.

“Yeah, sure.” I smiled, I thought maybe he’d change his mind about seeing him again after me choosing to go with John. I took his phone and typed in and saved my number.

“I’ll give you a call or text you or something.” He said, before walking back to the party.

John said nothing as we started walking back to his apartment. I made a mental note to go pick up his car we left in the drive way tomorrow. John would be too hung over to be able to drive. Over all it took us 20 minutes to get to his apartment, a walk that would soberly take us at tops 10 minutes.

After climbing all the stairs to the fourth floor, unlocking the door and getting John into his bedroom and into his bed, I was just as exhausted as John looked. He didn’t even flinch as I roughly stripped him off his clothes, leaving his boxers, and got him under the covers. He was sound asleep not two seconds later.

I started undressing myself and stole one of his t-shirts that was hanging over a chair. I climbed into bed next to him and moved so I was resting my head on his chest, holding onto his middle as he was lying on his back. I didn’t want to move, I wanted to feel his heartbeat all the time. I wanted it to beat for me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are starting to get more interesting from here ;)

Tank you all so much for commenting :)