‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

God! I'm freaking out right now freaking out!!! I'm at the lodge right now,getting dressed for the wedding,I can't stop shaking and I'm alone...I could just hear Dean telling me to breath..to calm down and try and relax.

I stood there in front of the bathroom mirror and took a few deep breaths "Breath Chase...This is what you wanted..you want this..relax and breath.." I whispered as I closed my eyes.

I focused on my favorite memory..the gym..when Dean took my first kiss..I felt a smile appear on my face and I relaxed greatly.

I looked down and started buttening my shirt,then my tie,no longer shaking. I finally fixed my shirt and jacket. Once I was ready I grabbed my house keys and walked out of the lodge.

Time Jump

I stared at the waterfall, I could see Dean but he couldn't see me...God he looked amazing.. I took a deep breath and started walking towards him, blushing deeply.

I never thought I looked good in a tux but something about the way Dean was looking at me was telling me other wise.

I soon appeared fully in front of him,smiling brightly at the preacher before turning to Dean, my mind was screaming happily and so was my heart.. i wanted this..wanted to spend my life with Dean.

I smiled more when the preacher started reading the right, awaiting the moment when he asked for the vows.

sorry that its so short, my next one will be longer I promise