‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

After I cleaned up the mess from the little phone fun that Chase and I just had, I relaxed on the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped through the channels, not really seeing the TV. My thoughts were racing of Chase ... his parents ... and the whole predicament that we were in. I really hoped that his plan worked.

After about an hour of not studying the TV good enough to find something to focus my mind on, I turned it off, getting up off the couch and walking over to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottle of wine from the cooler and grabbed a glass from the cabinet. I poured myself a glass as a knock sounded at my door.

Irritated, I set the wine bottle down and walked over to the door. Opening it, I saw two guys standing there with guns in my direction. "Um, can I help you, fellas?" I asked, backing away just a little bit.

"We don't like havin' homo asses like yourself in this town," one of them said, firing a shot straight through my shoulder. I winced a little on the inside, not allowing these two morons to see my pain.

"Yeah, so since you're thinkin' about living here, we decided to get rid of you," the other said, and that was the last thing I heard either of them say before the shots rang out and everything went black.

Time Elapse

When I came to, I saw white ... everywhere. I tried to sit up, but the pain shot through me as if a fire blazed from within various parts of my body. "Ah, fuck!" I panted, falling back down.

"He's awake!" I heard a voice say, before I heard multiple people come toward my bed. I finally realized the voice belonged to Jackson, one of the people who I have paint ball wars with. "Dude, what the fuck happened?"

"Two men ... guns ... homophobic," I said through gritted teeth, trying to not think on the pain, which was becoming harder and harder by the second.

"God damn," Shaun said, hitting the wall beside him. "Hunter is on his way to pick up Chase."

My eyes shot up and I looked over at him, forgetting the pain. "What?! No!" I shouted. "Chase can't come here! His parents wouldn't --"

"FUCK HIS PARENTS!" Jackson roared, looking down at me. I winced. "He's your fucking partner, he has the right to come see you." I looked back up at the ceiling and ground my teeth together.

Well, so much for the plan that we were working on. I thought, wanting to just erase the last two days from existence.
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I know this chapter is shorter than normal for me, but I promise it won't happen very often.
actually, it'll be a rare thing xD