‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this, Chase," I said once we were left alone. The guys decided to go and raid the fridge and watch something on TV, claiming that we needed to be alone and be able to talk with privacy. I was glad to have friends like them.

"I wish I hadn't left. It was stupid of me," he whispered, looking down at me, his eyes full of sorrow ... of pain.

"No, baby. No," I said, grabbing his hand. "If you were here, you would have been shot, and I don't want you to end up in the hospital again. Be glad that it was just one of us."

"I can't be glad about that," he said, completely exasperated. "Honestly, it shouldn't even have happened." I nodded in agreement, knowing that this would turn ugly if I argued any farther. I pulled Chase down and kissed him, glad that he was here at least to ease my anxiety. "I love you, Dean," he said when we pulled apart.

"I love you, too, Chase." I smiled up at him, running my fingers down the side of his face. He smiled back, the smile barely reaching his eyes. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"

"I have a feeling this is all going to go to hell when my parents realize that I'm back here with you," he replied, leaning a bit on the bed, trying his hardest not to jostle me.

"Don't worry about them," I whispered, closing my eyes a bit. I heard the door open, Chase and I lifting our gazes to see who it was.

"We got a problem," Shaun said, his face semi-scared and semi-angry.

Time Elapse

I had managed to get out of bed, the pain still throbbing from all the movement. Chase's parents figured out that he had come back here with Hunter, and boy were they pissed. "I can't believe that you kidnapped my son!" she bellowed at Hunter.

"Mom!" Chase screamed, making her flinch and look at him. "He didn't kidnap me. Hunter told me that Dean had been shot up all to hell and came to bring me back here. I could have said no, but I had to come and make sure Dean was alright and still alive."

"Serves him right," his father muttered, making wish so much that I was in better condition so I could beat his ass ... again. I noticed he still had a few bruises and cuts from the last time. That made me smile on the inside.

"Shut up, dad, or get the fuck out," Chase said, causing an angered look from his father to land on him. Chase didn't flinch, he stood his ground. I really hoped that he wasn't planning on taking his father down. I am sure Chase could do some damage on his father, but his father was a strong man. My knee still hurt from when he had kicked it, trying to shatter it.

"Watch your mouth, boy. You have no right to talk to me like that," Mr. Greene replied, walking towars Chase slowly. I noticed his fists were balled up and the knuckles were strained and white.

It was then that Jackson decided to intervene. "Alright, enough," he said, keeping his eyes on Mr. Greene. "You, big man, I am going to have to ask you and your wife to leave if your plan is just starting trouble. I understand that you two have issues with your son being gay, but he is and you're going to have to either deal with it or leave him the hell alone."

"I don't have to accept anything," Mr. Greene said, looking at his son with utter disgust.

"Actually, Tom, I think that's the only way we can have peace again," Mrs. Greene said, the second time she's spoken since they've been here. "Chase, we're going to try our best to accept your ... way of life. It will be hard for us, but we'll try."

"Oh, really? And why should I believe that?" he asked, laughing humorlessly.

"We will, son. As much as it angers me to where I should just turn my back on your forever, I'm going to try. You're my only son," Mr. Greene asked, completely shocking us all. That guy has some serious bipolar issuses if you ask me. Or at least anger issues.

"I'm not going to trust it completely, but I will give it a shot," Chase said, his head falling forward. "That's all I really want. To be accepted by you two. But the way you've been acting towards me since I came out and told you, it's not very comforting."

"We know, honey," his mom replied, walking over to her son. She looked a bit uncomfortable when she stood there in front of him. Shocking us all even more, she wrapped her arms around Chase in a tight embrace. I didn't fail to notice that his body was shaking a little.

Thy pulled away after a while and she wiped the tears that had fallen from his eyes. "Come home, please?" she asked, causing him to look back at me. I was standing on very shaky legs, and he seemed to notice I wouldn't be able to take much longer of it.

"I think I need to stay here for a while. Just until Dean is able to stand up on his own and walk around," Chase said, walking over to me and placing his hands lightly on my face. "He shouldn't be left alone."

"He won't be, he'll have us around," Hunter said, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen.

Chase laughed and looked at him. "Yeah, but the way you're raiding the kitchen he'll be out of food before nightfall." Hunter was about to argue until he just took a bite of his sandwich and walked back into the kitchen. That was one thing he hated, not being able to argue back about something.

"You sure, Chase?" his mom asked, causing Chase to nod. She nodded in response and headed out of the door. But she wasn't out of the door before I saw her take a disinfectant spray from her purse.