‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

As I drank my coffee, I looked at the couch and saw Shaun sprawled out, a bag of chips on his chest. I smiled, then walked around a bit to see Jackson sprawled out, an empty -- or what I hoped was empty -- wine bottle under the crook of his arm. I laughed to myself and turned around to look at Chase.

"Last night was pretty interesting, wouldn't you say?" I asked, taking another sip of coffee. Chase let out a small laugh and glanced back at me for a moment.

"Oh for sure. I just hope neither you or Hunter expect me to do anything more than blowjobs to other guys ... well, during stuff like what happened last night anyway," he replied, dancing to whatever song was playing through his head. I watched him as he moved about the kitchen, a smile playing on my lips. I heard the door knock, and set my coffee cup down as I walked over to the front door.

Opening it, I looked down and saw Michael and who I assumed to be Fred. "Hello," I said, smiling down at them. Michael's reaction was amusing. It went from confusion to shock in an instant. "Come in, guys. Our place is yours."

"Our place?" Michael asked walking into the house.

"Yep. Chase and I tied the knot a little over a week ago," I said, walking into the kitchen and grabbing my coffee cup again.

"And he didn't invite us, which is rude," Fred said. I looked at him and saw him glaring playfully. I smiled and motioned them to come further into the house. As they did, Chase ran out of the kitchen and wrapped an arm around them both.

"Ohmygod! I've missed you guys so much!" he exclaimed, earning an awkward hug from both of them. Chase pulled away and I assumed he smiled at them. He then pulled them both into the dining area and told them to sit down and get comfy.

"So, what are the plans for today?" Fred asked, looking from me to Chase. Chase looked at me for a moment, not really sure. Then his face brightened. "Chase... what are you thinking?"

He walked over to me and whispered, "Gay orgy." I nearly spit my coffee out of my nose.

"What?" I asked, looking down at him. His smile just got bigger as he walked away and continued cooking. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Oh, come on, baby. It'll be fun, and you know it!" Chase exclaimed happily. I smirked at him and then looked at Fred and Michael. They had scared looks on their faces and I smiled, walking out of the kitchen to the living room.

"Jackson, time to get up," I said, nudging him in the side. He groaned and looked up at me, his eyes bloodshot. "Breakfast will be ready soon." He nodded and sat up, looking around. I walked over to Shaun and shook him. "Up and at 'em, Shaun. Breakfast is almost done." Shaun stretched a bit and sat up, yawning and rubbing his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he, like Jackson, looked around.

"What the fuck were you all doing in the room last night?" Shaun asked, running his hand through his hair.

"You'll find out later, bud," I said, winking at him. He raised his eyebrow and smirked, which caused me to smile.

"Who's idea was it? Yours or Chase's?" Jackson said, knowing exactly what I was saying. I looked down at him and grinned.

"Chase's. Though I am still iffy about it," I said, helping him up off the floor. When he was fully up, I whispered in his ear, "I've heard the type of things you do, so I suggest you take it easy on the newbies." His eyes landed on Michael and Fred, and he then nodded. I said the same thing to Shaun and he also nodded.

"Chase! Tell me what the fuck we're going to be doing!" Fred yelled, causing everyone to look at him.

"If I told you, my good friend, then it wouldn't seem as much fun. Right, Dean?" I nodded, looking down at my cup and noticing it was empty. "Refill?"

"Please," I said, walking into the kitchen. Chase poured more into my cup and I smiled at him, then pressed my lips to his.