‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

I dialed Geoff's number and put the phone to my ear. It rang four times before he answered. "Hello?" I smiled, he still had the Irish accent.

"Hey, Geoff, what's crackin'?" I said, leaning against the wall. I heard his faint laugh.

"Ah, Dean, it's been too long, my friend," he said, a smile in his voice. "Nothing going on with me. Just trying to find a good partner to be with, ya know?"

"Yeah. Speaking of partners, I'm married," I said, smiling as I cast a glance at Chase, seeing him laughing as he joked with the guys. Fred and Michael seemed to have warmed up to everyone. Michael was snuggled against Hunter and Fred against Jackson.

"Oh, is that so?" Geoff asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Yep. His name is Chase, and he's the greatest thing to come into my life," I said, resting the back of my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and sighed, trying to calm my thoughts about what Chase had suggested. "Hey, Geoff?"

"Yeah, Dean?" he said, a bit of seriousness in his voice. I smiled, he always was a serious type, and I admired that about him.

"I think I know someone who would be good for you," I said, a smile forming on my face. I could picture him stiffening. Last time someone tried to hook him up blindly, the whole thing exploded within five minutes.

"This isn't going to be like ... the last time, is it?" he asked, his voice sounding a bit scared. I laughed lightly, knowing he was probably glaring at whatever was in front of him.

"No, not at all. I know for a fact that Shaun has a thing for black-haired, blue-eyed Irish men, and you seem to be the type he's looking for," I said, the smile never leaving my face. "Think you can be here in about fifteen?" I asked, looking back out to the group in the living room.

"Yeah, sure. No problem," he replied, a smile in his voice yet again. "I'll see you soon, my friend."

"See you soon," I said, hanging up the phone. I walked back out into the living room, all the guys looking up at me. I looked at Chase and he raised and eyebrow. I nodded once and he became relieved.

Walking over to him, I sat down in front of him and he wrapped his arms around my neck and rested his chin on my head. "Damn, I feel left out. Everyone is hooked up except for me," Shaun said, glaring at the floor.

"Hey," I said, looking over at Shaun. "I have someone coming over. I know for a fact that you'll love him." Shaun looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "He's Irish."

"Black hair, blue eyes?" he asked immediately. I nodded and he squealed like a girl, causing everyone to laugh.

Time Elapse

The doorbell sounded and Shaun immediately jumped up and ran to the door. He opened it and he blushed deeply. "H-Hi," he said, allowing Geoff to walk in.

"Afternoon," Geoff said, causing Shaun to make a sound like he was about to have a major climax. "You must me Shaun." Shaun nodded and walked back into the living area, Geoff right behind him.

"Awesome, now that everyone is here, let's get this party started!" Chase said, getting up and helping everyone else up.