‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I was so excited by what Dean had told me, I shook happily as I got dressed before running down the hall to the kitchen to cook for everyone.

I looked over when I heard footsteps coming down the hall and saw Fred walking down,attached to Jackson's arm,I laughed and smiled brightly at them before going back to cooking " OH MY GOD!!" Fred suddenly exclaimed and tackled me down to the ground,hugging me tightly " LAST NIGHT WAS AWESOME!!!" He screamed happily.

I stared up at Fred for a minute before I busted into laughter and hugged him back before pushing him off and standing up,watching as he ran back to Jackson,reattaching himself to him, but from what I could tell Jackson didn't mind at all...in fact, he looked very happy with Fred.

I smiled at them before going back to cooking, looking over when I saw Michael and Hunter walk down and that sight made me laugh even harder, seeing them two together,it was amazing how someone my age like Michael had such control over someone like Hunter who was the same age as Dean.

Michael looked at me funny before going and sitting down, Hunter came over and gave me a hug before joining Michael on the couch.

I smiled as I went back to cooking. Once I was done, I set the table and called everyone in, kissing Dean as he walked in.

.:Time Jump:.

After breakfast I rushed around the house,cleaning anything and everything,wanting the house to be spotless---as close as humanly possible anyways---before Dean and I left.

Jackson and everyone helped me of course which I was thankful for, once it got closer to the time to leave, I was still cleaning but was quickly stopped by Dean who grabbed the back of my shirt and started pulling me towards the door " Enough cleaning baby,we're gonna be late" he said.

I whined and tried to pull away " NOOO!!! theres still so much to be done!!" I cried,still trying to get away,pouting up at Dean.

I saw Jackson go to walk across to the kitchen and quickly attached myself to him " NOO!!! DONT LET HIM TAKE ME!!" I cried "I MUST KEEP CLEANING!!!" I Exclaimed earning a very confused and scared look from Jackson as Dean laughed,still trying to pull me away.

" No, now come on, the guys can finish the rest" he said,managing to free me from Jackson who sighed in relief,I whined and tried grabbing onto the door but much to my dismay,Michael and Geoff unhooked my hands and pushed me into Dean.

I finally gave up and sulked as we walked to the car, grumbling as I got in " They better finish the house, I refuse to have it a mess when we bring our child home" I said,crossing my arms,earning a chuckle from Dean who found my temper taturm rather funny.

As we sat in the car, my excitement returned and I started boucing happily in my seat, I was both very excited and very nervous..