‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

We pulled into one of the many parking spaces at the adoption center. "Ready?" I asked, putting the car in park and turning it off. Chase took a couple deep breaths before looking at me.

"Ready," he replied, opening his door an getting out. I got out as well, closing my door and locking it. I walked around and met Chase, wrapping my arm around his waist. We headed in, nervous and exited at the same time. "I want to get twins. That would be awesome!"

"Teenage or toddler?" I asked, looking down at him as I opened the door and allowed him to walk in first. He spun around so quick I nearly ran into him.

"What about both?" he suggested, his eyes brightening up at the idea. I thought for a moment before answering, not too sure if I was up to adopting four kids. I sighed and smiled.

"Alright, whatever you want, baby," I replied, causing him to hug me happily. I laughed as we walked in farther.

"Can I help you gentlemen?" a woman asked, causing us to look towards one of the few doorways. She was about 40ish, maybe in her late thirties, with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Yes. We'd like to adopt," I replied, smiling at her. She smiled brightly back and motioned for us to follow her into the room she just came out of. As we followed her, we noticed a lot of kids looking up at us, the look of hope in their eyes.

"Singles, twins, or triplets?" she asked over her shoulder. Chase answered before I could.

"Twins, please," he said, squeezing my hand. I squeezed back, hoping to reassure him as much as possible.

"We've got two sets of twins. Aurianna and Anna, 3-years-old. And we also have Angel and Greg, 15-years-old," the woman replied, walking into a room in which held both sets of twins. Angel and Greg were playing with the one of the younger twins, while the other 3-year-old was watching something on TV, completely oblivious to everything around her.

"Who are they?" one of the older twins said, though I am not sure which one.

"That's Greg," she whispered. Chase and I nodded at that. "This is...?" she went on, looking at us.

"Chase and Dean Valeno," I said, smiling weakly. The woman nodded.

"They've come to adopt," she went on, looking back at them. Angel looked at us cautiously, not too sure about us.

"Both," Chase said, smiling brightly as he walked over to where they were.

"Aren't you a little young to be adopting, dude?" Greg said, giving Chase a confused look. Chase thought for a moment and looked over at me, his eyes screaming to help back him up.

"He's old enough," I said, looking at Greg and raising an eyebrow. "Though I know it might be a little weird to have someone three years older than you becoming your father." Greg shut up and my phone started ringing. "I'll be right back, Chase," I said, walking out of the room and into the hallway. "Hello?"

"Dean! I need you to come to this address!" Shaun said, giving me the address and the location. My eyebrows came together and confusion swept over my thoughts.

"Why?" I asked, repeating the address through my head over and over again as I listened to Shaun.

"Don't ask questions! Just do it, dammit!" he said, hanging up before I could answer. I closed my phone and shook my head, walking back into the room. Chase was already signing papers to adopt the two sets of twins. I walked over to him and got ready to sign as well.

This was definitely going to be interesting. Especially since the lodge was barely big enough for us. Well, I guess it was time to be looking for a bigger house.