‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Dean -Point of View-

"Well, since we missed your wedding..." Hunter said, his grin never leaving.

"...We got you this as a gift!" Shaun said, jumping up and down like an over-sized child. I laughed, as I held Aurianna in my arms. "Like it?" Shaun asked, grabbing Geoff's hand.

"Guys, this is ... fucking amazing!" I said, still trying to get over my shock. It was absolutely stunning. Chase and I, as well as Greg and Angel, walked around to the back of the house. The rest of the gang followed closely behind us and I froze when we got there.

There was a pool -- which made the house all that more amazing. "There's a jacuzzi tub in both of the bathrooms. There are four bedrooms. The kitchen is fucking HUGE! There's a den on the bottom floor..." Hunter said, continuing on describing different things.

"Wait, the counters are made of black marble?" Chase said, his voice awed. Hunter nodded and Chase's face lit up. "Holy shit! Oops," he said, looking at Anna, who was giggling. She snuggled into him and the smile stayed.

We all walked inside and the furniture from the lodge was there, as well as a bunch of other shit we didn't have. I set Aurianna down as Chase was putting Anna down. I told the others to watch them as Chase and I looked around the house, completely and utterly awed by everything. As Chase walked down the hallway on the bottom floor, I walked upstairs and started looking in all the rooms. I started at the end.

The first room I looked in was the master bedroom -- which would obviously be mine and Chase's. The next door was a room fit for a teen -- or a couple of teens in our case. I smiled as I walked to the next door. I looked in and noticed it would be fit for someone like Anna and Aurianna's age.

"Shaun!" I called once I was back in the hallway.

"Yeah?" he called back from the bottom of the stairs.

"Bring the girls up here if you don't mind!" I said, leaning against the wall. I heard giggling and then footsteps coming up the stairs. The girls appeared and walked over to me, their faces bright with their smiles. "Okay," I said, going down to be at their level. "Anna, Aurianna, this door here goes to your room. Tell me what you think of it okay?" They nodded and ran into the room. After a few minutes, they came out and wrapped their little arms around my neck.

When they pulled away, Anna said, "It's awesome Daddy Dean."

"Okay, awesome!" I said, raising my hands and getting high fives from both of them. They giggled as they ran over to Shaun and attached themselves to his legs.

"Uncle Shaun, we're hungry!" Aurianna said, looking up at Shaun's face. He smiled, but I saw the Oh shit, this is gonna be rather fun look behind it. He looked at me for a moment and I just walked away, laughing to myself.

"Dean!" I heard someone call from behind me. I looked and saw that it was Greg and Angel. "Where's our room?" Greg asked, his head cocking to the side. I pointed to the one next to Anna and Aurianna's room and they nodded, opening the door and walking in. "Holy fucking shit!" Greg exclaimed, making me smile. "Ooh! What's up here?" I walked away and headed back for the stairs, running into Chase.

"Hey! What's our room look like?" Chase asked, walking past me into the hallway.

"End of the hall," I said, smiling at him. He dashed down the hall and opened the door.

"Holy hell! A fucking fire place!" he squealed, slamming the door shut. I laughed as I continued downstairs. I heard voices coming from one of the doors in the hall when I got to the first floor. Walking towards the voices, I opened the door and saw the entertainment center which was crawling with expensive shit. Every game system under the sun was sprawled over the floor in front of the biggest flat screen I've ever seen. Games and movies were in two bookshelves, filling them both up. There was a pool table amongst other things on the far side of the room.

I looked around at the group of guys as they were sprawled out watching Two and A Half Men. They were all cracking jokes and laughing at stuff from the show. I smiled. Not only had they bought this amazing house for Chase and I, they were all getting along like one big happy family. My family, I thought, walking in further and joining them.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chase and Dean's Room

The Lodge

Angel and Greg's Room
(take away the stuffed animals and make the colors black and red)

The New House

Aurianna and Anna's Room