‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I stared in awe at mine and Dean's new bedroom,I couldn't believe how huge it was..how huge the house was. I smiled brightly and walked back out of the bedroom,passing Angel and Greg's room, I popped my head in and smiled at them " Welcome to your new home you two,once everything calms down I'll take you two shopping for new cloths and cellphones as well" I said,earning a smile from Angel and Greg who both nodded.

I smiled and left them alone,closing the door behind me as I walked down stairs to the livingroom I smelled someone cooking, I frowned and walked past Dean and the guys to the kitchen. When I arrived I saw Shaun cooking and Geoff chatting with him happily.

Geoff suddenly looked up and I wasn't sure if it was my expression or what,but his eyes widened a little and he quickly pecked Shaun on the lips before escaping the kitchen. Shaun looked at where his lover once stood,a pout on his face before he shrugged and went back to cooking.

" Excuse me" I said,my hands on my hips as I glared at Shaun. Shaun turned and looked at me,his expression went from calm and happy to scared as he stared at me "Just what excatly do you think your doing?" I asked. I heard Shaun squeak before answering.

"A-Anna and her sister were hungery...So I came here to make them something to eat" he said,his voice small.

" Why didn't you have Dean cook for them then?" I asked,taking a step forward,only to have him step back.

" H-He left me..laughing actually and joined the other guys" he said nervously, I could Geoff snickering behind the wall as he listened.

My eyes narrowed " DEAN VALENO!! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE NOW!!" I hollered, I heard "ooh, you in trouble now dude'' from some of the other guys, I heard Dean grumble and come into the kitchen.

I turned and stared at him and his expression went from a glare to a scared look "What? What did I do?" he asked,I cocked my hip to the left and pointed at Shaun.

" What the hell is wrong with this picture?" I asked,rising an eyebrow at my husband. Dean looked over at a very scared Shaun then back at me and shrugged.

" Nothing...Shaun's in the kitchen cooking" he said.

"NO!!" I exclaimed "He is in MY kitchen!! cooking! that is what is wrong with that picture!!" I said,causing Dean to stare at me " I am the cook of the house! Just because they moved us from the lodge into here does not mean that changes in ANY way!" I said before turning to shaun " and you! out of my kitchen!" I said,stomping my foot.

Shaun nodded and quickly left the kitchen in search for Geoff who I could hear laughing now and some comments flying towards us. Dean looked at me as I took my place in the kitchen,relaxing greatly.

" Your such a woman Chase" he remarked as he walked forward towards me, I threw my hand out and looked at him

" I don't think so mister, you are NOT stepping foot into the kitchen" I said. Dean looked at me and pointed to the frig.

" I just want something to drink" he said, I shook my head and walked to the frig,grabbing beers and soda's for everyone and shoving them into his arms " Go, and tell everyone lunch will be done soon" I said.

Dean nodded and turned around,quickly leaving my sight, I smiled and returned to the kitchen to make food for everyone.

.:Time Jump:.

Once I finished cooking and set the table, I leaned out the kitchen and hollered for everyone,Anna and her sister came running down stairs,giggling happily as Greg and Angel followed behind them,Angel attached to his brother, I looked at them and smiled " Once you guys eat,I'll take you guys out" I said.

Greg smiled and thanked me as he lead Angel to the kitchen table and sat down with everyone. I cleaned the kitchen and quickly joined the rest,everyone chatting happily with each other.

I noticed Greg talking to Angel in sign language and idly wondered if he was deaf, I quickly shook my head and gently tapped Angel on the shoulder and started signing to him.

Angel's eyes widened and he smiled brightly as we started signing to each other, he was so happy to have another person who knew sign language like Greg and he did. Before I knew it, I was telling them everything about me, about my parents and then everything Dean and I went through.

I watched Angel and Greg's eyes widen and I saw a new light in their eyes, I could see their love for Dean and I start to shine through, Once I told them everything Angel suddenly threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly, I smiled warmly and hugged him back before pulling away and sighing 'I love you' to both Greg and Angel who both signed it back.

I smiled and we went back to eating, I knew Dean might have a little more trouble getting along well with our new sons but that wasn't something that couldn't be fixed over time.

Once everyone was finished eating, I gathered the plates and walked into the kitchen,Angel right behind me,willing to help me wash everything, I told him he could wash and that I would rinse,dry and put away.

I gave Angel a hug once everything was done before running and snatching the keys from Dean " Gonna take the boys shopping,they need new things" I said,kissing him deeply before running out with the boys not giving Dean a chance to say anything in edge wise,Greg who was laughing and Angel who was smiling brightly.