‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I grinned as Angel,Greg and I ran back up to my room,laughing " Oh god that was amazing" I laughed,holding my stomach, Angel started signing to me, telling me he had a blast as well, Greg nodded as he laughed.

" That was awesome! We so have to do that again!" Greg smiled, I agreed completely before turning and grabbing their cloths and cellphones,handing them over

" Alright, you guys know the rules on these..I don't want any trouble due to you guys having these..and remember..if Dean or I wish to see them or go through them,then we are allowed" I said. Greg and Angel nodded,they weren't mad at me about it because they knew since they didn't buy the phones or the service and I did with Dean's money that we can easily take them away.

" Alright, you guys go do whatever you guys want" I said,shooing them off to their bedroom with their things. I smiled and gathered my cloths before putting everything away where it belonged,smiling brightly.

I heard the bedroom door open and I turned around,smiling at Dean,grinning when I saw his little problem down south " Look what your little show did to me" he grumbled as he walked over to me,closing the door behind him.

"Oh really? Hmmm..I guess we'll have to set up a little group gathering again then" I smiled,causing Dean's eyebrow to rise " Don't worry about the girls..My parents will watch them for us i'm sure" I said before he could say anything.

" Alright..what about the boys then?" he asked, at this I chuckled softly

" Oh..I have a feeling those two might join as well" I smirked, earning a weird look from Dean.

" What do you mean?" he asked confused, causing me to sigh...seesh my husband was so simple minded sometimes..

I walked closer to him " I mean that Angel and Greg seem to have alittle something going on between them..not that I mind at all..love is different with everyone" I said. Dean's eyes widened when he realized what I was talking about and laughed.

" Ha..twincest...so interesting" he mused, causing me to pip him on the back of the head, earning a pout from the grown man.

" Now,go down stairs and talk to the guys,there's more then enough room in this bedroom for it while I talk to my parents about watching Anna and her sister" I said,turning and shoving him out of the room.

.:Time Jump:.

After chatting with my mom and dad for a bit who agreed to watch the girls, I finally hung up the phone and traveled down stairs,finding my way to the guys who were watching some random show on the flat screen.

I walked over and sat down in Dean's lap,smiling brightly as I wrapped my fingers around his neck,kissing him deeply before pulling away " well..what did your parents say?" he asked once I moved.

" They'll watch them this whole weekend so we're free for them..now I just gotta talk to Angel and Greg about this..I have a feeling they'll really enjoy this as much as we do" I said before turning to the guys

"Look...I have a feeling Angel and Greg will want to get in on our fun..but no one is to touch them in anyway that isn't right..no kissing nothing because they are under age and all of us can get into trouble" I said, everyone nodded and went back to watching TV.

I wasn't totally sure what was up between Angel and Greg but I could sense something was up between the two of them and if so that was fine with me,if they loved each other like that then so be it..I wasn't going to judge them and I wouldn't have others judge them either.

I smiled and snuggled into Dean as we watched TV. Shaun had taken the girls up stairs and into their rooms for bed earler so it was just us guys in the room. I closed my eyes after a bit and fell into a peaceful slumber against Dean.