‹ Prequel: Sense of A Spark
Sequel: An Unbreakable Bond

Brand New Start

Chase -Point of View-

I listened along with my husband before pulling away "Watch the food" I ordered before quietly making my way up stairs where the moaning sounds got louder and coming from the boys room. I grinned at the sounds,knowing full well what was going on.

I gently opened the door to find Greg pounding himself into Angel,who's back was arched,moanings streaming from his mouth as his hands gripped the sheets. I leaned against the door way " You guys couldn't wait until the orgy tonight now could you?" I spoke up.

I laughed as Greg jumped away from Angel and stared at me in shock as Angel fumbled around with the blankets,covering himself up " Orgy? You fucking plan those things around here?!"Greg exclaimed.

" Yes we do..keeps things from getting dull" Geoff spoke beside him,grinning at the sight before him. Greg stared in shock at this before a grin appeared on his face and he turned to Angel.

"What do you think Angel?" he asked,Angel seemed to think for a few minutes before smiling and giving a nod. Greg smiled and looked back at me " Alright then...we're in" he said " Now if you don't mind..we'd like to finish here" he laughed.

I nodded " Breakfast will be done shortly just so you know" I said before closing the door and walking back down with Geoff " Well..that was interesting" I chuckled,earning a laugh from Geoff. When we reached down stairs, he turned and headed for Fred,sitting down beside him.

.:Time Jump:.

I heard knocking on the front door and ran to answer it, smiling as I let my parents in " Good morning" I said happily,hugging them both before closing the door.

My parents stared in shock as they looked around my house " This place is beautiful Chase..how did you get it?" my mom asked. I smiled brightly at this.

" The guys bought it for me and Dean as a wedding present since they weren't there" I said, earning nods from both of them before calling the girls from down stairs,Fred and Geoff coming down behind them.

Anna and her sister came to a stop in front of my parents,tilting their heads to the side "Daddy Chase..who are they?" Anna asked. I smiled and knelt down beside them.

" Those are your grandparents" I smiled. the girls squealed and ran to my mom, attaching themselves to her leg, causing her to laugh and kneel down to their level and give them hugs. I walked over with their bags.

" Thank you for watching them..I want them to really get to know you guys..." I said as my dad took the bags,smiling.

My mom and dad smiled at me " of course..we'll see you on Sunday" My mom said before leaving with the twins.

I watched them leave before closing the door with a grin..knowing this weekend was going to be interesting for sure.

.:Time Jump:.

I smiled brightly as the guys all returned from whatever they were doing..from the bags I saw I guess they all went and got cloths for the weekend. I told them to just let the bags in the main livingroom before calling Dean down.

Once he was down stairs I made sure to lock the door and close all the blinds before facing everyone. Greg and Angel were together smiling happily " Alright guys...lets get this party started!" I said happily and turned on some music, not to loud where it blared over everyone but loud enough to be able to hear it.